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* SerialNovel: The first part of the book was originally published as a short story and later the second one was written as continuation in the same format. The final part was added after Creator/DavidBrin decided to turn it into full-fledged book. It ''shows''. The first part is written in completely different style and with vocabulary aiming to point how primitive the world is. Both first and second part of the book are clearly stand-alone stories. The final part is obviously [[ArcWelding aiming to sew everything together]] into much tighter structure.
* TheyCallMeMisterTibbs: Villainous example
-->'''Charles Bezoar:''' [[BerserkButton That's Colonel Bezoar.]]
* TrainingThePeacefulVillagers: When things turn bad, Gordon has to train [[RagTagBunchOfMisfits bunch of civilians, farmers and teenagers]] into a force capable of fighting or at least putting up organised resistance against [[EvilArmy the Holnist]] [[BadassArmy Army]].
* TwentyMinutesIntoTheFuture: The setting was this from the mid-80s perspective. Now it's a full-blown AlternateHistory.
* WasntThatFun: According to Johnny, he had great time while [[spoiler: escaping from Holnists' [=HQ=]]].
* UnwillingSuspension: When [[spoiler: Holnists capture Gordon for the second time]], his hands are tied over his head to the beam and he is suspended ''just'' above the ground.
* WorthyOpponent: One of the main points of Holnist philosophy is high regard toward people who managed to beat them, but that doesn't mean any quarter in case of being encountered in the future:
** To his own surprise, Gordon is praised for killing of two Holnists he encountered in the library.
** His second-in-command, a former Marine, is equally praised by Macklin for being capable of defeating his [[TheDragon Dragons]].
* ZergRush: The only time the Willamette Army scores any victories are all-around assaults on isolated Holnist positions. They might be though, experienced and ruthless survivalists, but it's not much of use while being simply overrun.
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