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Advantages of Software Development Uisng Microsoft Technology
Software development is a core concept in software engineering.
Nowadays software development proves to be a vital feature which assists in smooth conductivity of a business with minimum effort. Diverse business processes are hiring assistance of software development programs to automatize business plans and thus lubricating the productivity and efficiency level. There are great number of advantages which are necessary with the induction of software development services. It assists business establishments of different sizes to overpass shortcomings of any software discrepancy in the web structure.
Industrial Uses of Software applications
Initially, the outsourcing software development company offers Software Application Development, Web Development, Web site Design, Graphic Designing, Internet Marketing and Website Maintenance. These services are of great use in the application areas of many fields:
CRM Solution Services
E-commerce Solutions
Health care Application
Media Applications
Financial Applications
.NET Technologies of software development and Types of Software Applications
It is a software development environment provided by Microsoft to design and develop various different type of robust,reliable and efficient software applications..NET is a free, cross-platform, open source developer platform for building many different types of applications. With.NET, you can use multiple languages, editors, and libraries to build for web, mobile, desktop, gaming, and IoT.
Languages You can write.NET apps in C#, F#, or Visual Basic.
•C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language.
•F# is a cross-platform, open-source, functional programming language for.NET. It also includes object-oriented and imperative programming.
•Visual Basic is an approachable language with a simple syntax for building type-safe, object-oriented apps Cross Platform Whether you're working in C#, F#, or Visual Basic, your code will run natively on any compatible OS. Different.NET implementations handle the heavy lifting for you:
•.NET Core is a cross-platform.NET implementation for websites, servers, and console apps on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
•.NET Framework supports websites, services, desktop apps, and more on Windows.
•Xamarin/Mono is a.NET implementation for running apps on all the major mobile operating systems.

One consistent API -NET Standard is a base set of APIs that are common to all.NET implementations. Each implementation can also expose additional APIs that are specific to the operating systems it runs on. For example,.NET Framework is a Windows-only.NET implementation that includes APIs for accessing the Windows Registry.
Windows Forms software -
With Windows Forms, you can create powerful Windows-based applications. The following topics describe in-depth how to harness the power of Windows Forms to display data, handle user input, and deploy your applications easily and with enhanced security. Windows Forms and Smart Client Applications With Windows Forms you develop smart clients. Smart clients are graphically rich applications that are easy to deploy and update, can work when they are connected to or disconnected from the Internet, and can access resources on the local computer in a more secure manner than traditional Windows-based applications. Windows Forms is a smart client technology for the.NET Framework, a set of managed libraries that simplify common application tasks such as reading and writing to the file system. When you use a development environment like Visual Studio, you can create Windows Forms smart-client applications that display information, request input from users, and communicate with remote computers over a network. In Windows Forms, a form is a visual surface on which you display information to the user. You ordinarily build Windows Forms applications by adding controls to forms and developing responses to user actions, such as mouse clicks or key presses. A control is a discrete user interface (UI) element that displays data or accepts data input. When a user does something to your form or one of its controls, the action generates an event. Your application reacts to these events by using code, and processes the events when they occur. For more information, see Creating Event Handlers in Windows Forms. Windows Forms contains a variety of controls that you can add to forms: controls that display text boxes, buttons, drop-down boxes, radio buttons, and even Web pages. For a list of all the controls you can use on a form, see Controls to Use on Windows Forms. If an existing control does not meet your needs, Windows Forms also supports creating your own custom controls using the User Control class. Displaying and Manipulating Data. Many applications must display data from a database, XML file, XML Web service, or other data source. Windows Forms provides a flexible control that is named the DataGridView control for displaying such tabular data in a traditional row and column format, so that every piece of data occupies its own cell. When you use DataGridView, you can customize the appearance of individual cells, lock arbitrary rows and columns in place, and display complex controls inside cells, among other features. Connecting to data sources over a network is a simple task with Windows Forms smart clients. The BindingSource component, new with Windows Forms in Visual Studio 2005 and the.NET Framework 2.0, represents a connection to a data source, and exposes methods for binding data to controls, navigating to the previous and next records, editing records, and saving changes back to the original source. The BindingNavigator control provides a simple interface over the BindingSource component for users to navigate between records. You can create data-bound controls easily by using the Data Sources window. The window displays data sources such as databases, Web services, and objects in your project. You can create data-bound controls by dragging items from this window onto forms in your project. You can also data-bind existing controls to data by dragging objects from the Data Sources window onto existing controls. Another type of data binding you can manage in Windows Forms is settings. Most smart client applications must retain some information about their run-time state, such as the last-known size of forms, and retain user preference data, such as default locations for saved files. The Application Settings feature addresses these requirements by providing an easy way to store both types of settings on the client computer. After you define these settings by using either Visual Studio or a code editor, the settings are persisted as XML and automatically read back into memory at run time.
Dynamic Web Application-A very special type of software application,it always based on the client server technology.In a web application the request always triggered by the cleint machine,it can be at any location. Another computer which is also known as server machine is always resonsible for sending back response to client from some remote location over same or different network.Response can be in the HTML or XML format.
ASP.NET For Dynamic Web applications is an open-source server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the.NET Framework, and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any supported.NET language. The ASP.NET SOAP extension framework allows ASP.NET components to process SOAP messages. ASP.NET's successor is ASP.NET Core. It is a re-implementation of ASP.NET as a modular web framework, together with other frameworks like Entity Framework. The new framework uses the new open-source.NET Compiler Platform (codename "Roslyn") and is cross platform. ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Web Pages (a platform using only Razor pages) have merged into a unified MVC 6.
Programming Models - Programming models ASP.NET supports a number of programming models for building web applications: ASP.NET Web Forms - a framework for building modular pages out of components, with UI events being processed server-side. ASP.NET MVC - allows for building web pages using the model-view-controller design pattern. ASP.NET Web Pages - a lightweight syntax for adding dynamic code and data access directly inside HTML markup. ASP.NET Web API - a framework for building Web APIs on top of the.NET Framework. ASP.NET WebHooks - implements the Webhook pattern for subscribing to and publishing events via HTTP. SignalR - a real-time communications framework for bi-directional communication between client and server. Other ASP.NET extensions include: ASP.NET Handler: Are components that implement the System.Web.IHttpHandler interface. Unlike ASP.NET Pages, they have no HTML-markup file, no events and other supporting. All they have is a code-file (written in any.NET-compatible language) that writes some data to the server HTTP response. HTTP handlers are similar to ISAPI extensions. ASP.NET AJAX: An extension with both client-side as well as server-side components for writing ASP.NET pages that incorporate Ajax functionality. ASP.NET Dynamic Data: A scaffolding extension to build data driven web applications

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