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K was an average lady who moved to a small town when she was young, to be a teacher. Shortly after K met a man named R who wanted to be taught how to read and write, he would often visit her with gift he made. Sometimes it would be cakes, meat pies, flowers etc. which he grew caught and trapped on his own. R and K began to get very close and after a while there was nothing more K could teach R, but neither cared because they were both madly in love. So they continued to meet up and would have the most splendid conversations about adventures they might have if they left the town. As the seasons changed and their love for one another solidified something wonderful happened to K, R had saved up enough to purchased a ring. A very vibrant red ruby ring inlaid in platinum, and he proposed. Both would decided to leave the town in a few months after they were married, to go on their very first adventure to a far away land, in the mountains for a woman that could help them both speak with the plants and animals of the land, to learn more about the world around them. However, before their dreams would come true a group of masked individuals known to cause terror in the kingdom found them on of their weekly picnics. They taunted them at first, but when K and R tried to leave things began to take a downfall and the thugs words turned physical and R tried to fend them off with something he had hidden, R began to say odd words and move his hand in an odd manner the winds soon picked up and the leaves of the trees started to quake and a gust of wind blew knocking down three of the thugs. He yelled to K to run but his words were in vain, for the rest of the men began to wale on him and K. The thugs held down K and all she could do is watch as tears and words spewed forth, she begged them to stop, but soon R's body went went limp and open gashes covered his flesh. When the thugs got done with R they turned their attention to K, who was still sobbing yelling and trying to free herself. They told her no one can know what happened here today and a short lizard like man stepped forth telling her, she would not suffer for long, he pulled out a dagger and placed it upon her cheek and said "if that filthy abomination had not used his spell, we would have just robbed and knocked you two out, but you couldn't just roll over and play along." The small reptilian man began to trail the dagger down K's body, down her cheek, down her her neck, across her clavicle and rested the point above K's heart. "Too bad we have no place for you amongst our grand group" continued the man K spits out from her sobbing "I would gladly kill myself if I ever was forced to be with any of you any amount of time, you killed my love I could never" The dagger wielding man replied "Then let me do it for you" He then thrust the dagger into K's chest, and K spat out blood. The light began to fade, and K grew cold her body felt heavy, and hurt but she felt numb and light at the same time. The group of thugs drug her and R's body to a nearby thicket and tossed them in. K was mostly awake for this. What was it, 60 seconds 2 minutes at most? but it felt like eternity. "Why must I suffer like this" K thought while the dagger was protruding out of her, digging into the ground. "Please I dont want to suffer anymore, all is lost. Please make it stop make it end" she prayed "I can make it all stop" said a voice seeming out of nowhere. "Who ever, what ever you are, please just end it" The voice spoke again "I am Rusulka, and for your prayers and devotion I will end your suffering and give you life anew, time is not plenty, agree to this and you will no longer be in pain, I will stay with you till the end my dear so you will not die alone if that is what you choose" K wondered what Rusulka meant "Life anew? Die alone? Aren't I already dying alone? Is this just a crule trick my mind is playing on me in my final moments of life?" The voice spoke again "No this is not a trick of the mind this is truly happening. Do you wish for relief, and a chance at revenge?" K could feel she had but seconds left and thinking on thinking of the word, REVENGE, anger and hatred filled her heart and mind and she was able to open her eyes viewing a lady with a body that could only be described as flowing like water laid next to her. "I want to live and take from them what they took from me" K coughed "Then let us seal this with a kiss" Tears begane to fill K's eyes once again as she viewed her lover just inches away, and with the last specks of energy she had left lifted her body just a enough to kiss Rusulka upon her lips, and the lady plucked the blade from K's chest and dropped it to the ground. All the color of the world came back the energy she hadn't, filled her body once again... and more? Rusulka spoke one last time "grieve your loss, and when he has been given his rites we will speak again" and the lady, just as soon as she appeared, vanished. K rolled over and pulled R close and all she did was cry over his him holding her loves body bloodying, herself even more. She kissed his forehead and for a second a brief second felt a hand warm and comforting on her shoulder, as if it were R saying his final farewell. After what seemed like hours she lifted R into her arms and took him back to town so he could be laid to rest. When the funeral was over she left the town, without a word. And so began her quest for revenge, and thus her fall.
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