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* TheOnlyOneITrust: After [[spoiler: being betrayed by ''everyone'']], Aurelius declares that his small pack are the only people he still trusts.
* PurelyAestheticGender: For all that matters, Mira could be a guy and it wouldn't change the plot ''at all''. But by having an ActionGirl the film gains a lot of flair and swashbuckling vibe, so nobody is complaining. Especially since she's played by Creator/AishwaryaRai.
* TheQueensLatin: The Romans and Ambrosinus speak with distinctive British accent as a way to represent use of Latin. [[RealitySubtext Or because they are all played by British actors]].
* RagtagBunchOfMisfits: TheSquad consist of what is left of troops loyal to the deposed emperor, said emperor and their two allies.
* RescueArc: After Romulus' exile to Capri, Aurelius and his men are convinced to rescue him and provide safe passage to Constantinople.
* TokenMinority: Mira is Indian, while Batiatus is black.
* TokenRomance: Aurelius and Mira. Their relationship stays in the background for the entire story.
* TranslationConvention: All characters speak English and easily communicate with each other, regardless of their background and language they are supposed to use in that scene.
* TwoferTokenMinority: Mira is [[TheSmurfettePrinciple the only woman]] in TheSquad and also the only person from far-away India.
* UnresolvedSexualTension: Aurelius and Mira have a lot of tension between them for most of the film. [[spoiler: It gets resolved offscreen, in the final voiceover]].
* VestigialEmpire: The film opens in literal final days of Western Roman Empire.
* WeUsedToBeFriends:
** [[spoiler: Nestor and Aurelius]], with both of them being just bitter over the turn of events that made them enemies.
** When it's obvious the Western Empire is on a verge of total collapse, [[TruthInTelevision Romans find themselves fighting each other and the Eastern Empire leaves them without any aid]].
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