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Postmodern Architecture
Postmodern architecture, sometimes also called Postmodernism is a neo-liberal design that is a celebration of the spirit of individualism and innovation. It was born out of the movement against traditional and modern styles and sought to design buildings which are fun and exciting, while ignoring the traditional rules of design. Postmodernists strove to create buildings that are capable of expressing without being influenced by their subjects, the actual world they operate in. This style of architecture is often misinterpreted as kitsch architecture because many of the details and shapes are designed to be humorous.

Postmodern architecture places great emphasis on form rather than function. While it still retains a certain degree of functionality, it does so in a manner which is unique to its genre. Architecture can be free-flowing and playful and display the beauty and the oddity that is inherent in human form. Postmodernists believed in using structures to tell stories and made use of it to tell stories in the structure. They shunned the clichés and traditional forms of architecture, instead creating buildings that showcased the unexpected amazing, stunning, and extraordinary in an artistic and daring manner.

The beginnings of the postmodern design movement can be traced back to the thinker Peter Eisenman. He believed that we were living in an era when architecture was not organized or codified. Instead he believed that architecture was a subject that was left to the imagination of designers and artists. By using this idea, Eisenman conceptualized a new kind of architecture which is not governed by convention and tradition. By re-examining previously established designs and replacing them with forms that he believed were more flexible and artistic, Eisenman hoped to create an architecture that was distinct but also exciting and new.

Although there are many who disagree however, it is widely believed that the best place to start understanding the concepts of the postmodern architect is with the work of one specific architect, namely Memphis architect Louis Sullivan. Memphis was home to some the most important pomo structures in the late 20th century. Louis Sullivan was one of the most prominent and influential practitioners of the pomo style was well-known for his bold thinking and bold plans. For example, the Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art and Memphis Museum of Art both contain a large portion of Sullivan's career. The Solar Plexus and the Vitruvian man are two additional works.

รับสร้างบ้าน There are numerous architects who are associated with modern midcentury architecture, among them Paul Rudolph. Rudolph was born in Germany and grew up there. He decided to move to the United States to pursue a Master of Fine Arts degree. At this prestigious university, he went on to become one of the most famous and influential modern architects around the world. Rudolph's mid-century modern architecture is widely considered to be among the best. The so-called Arch of Triumph is Rudolph's most notable accomplishment.

Edith Grossman is an architect closely connected to postmodern design. Edith Grossman was born in the year 1933. She was a student of art in Vienna and London and later proceeded to establish her own practice. Her most famous works comprise the bust made of plaster of Queen Elisabeth (Roma), which was destroyed by bombs in World War II. Other sculptures are from the Niesen Gallery, Cologne, and the Vitraulleuchtler Institute, Giessen.

Interior designer and planner Giulia Samoili is also connected to the postmodern architecture scene. Together with George wanton and Samuel Marcucco, she has created many memorable interior designs, most notably the Sacrato d'Orcia in Turin, Italy. The famous palace's inmates of the building are filming as if they were real, which means that a lot of visitors are taken into the movie and later discovered the secret location where all the inhabitants of the palace truly sleep: their underground passages. Other examples of interior design that date back to the Postmodern period can be seen in the corridors and lobbies of cities as large as London in which the futuristic design of the buildings can easily be spotted. A good example of this is the Walkley's Building in London, which look as if it is rising from the street below, and in fact is constructed of concrete.

Postmodern architecture is gaining popularity as architects move away from concrete and mortar structures in favor of more organic architectural forms. An example of this is the idea to construct a building completely from recycled brick in Wissensuche, France. It is located in the Rhone River region. Another striking example is the use of wood in Barcelona as a foundation for architecture. A few small wooden cladding panels were put up on the roof for the proposed five-star hotel. Modernists also love the use of glass architecture. Modernist architects have designed buildings using only glass walls, which have small spaces that are open within the walls of the building.

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