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* AdaptationDisplacement: The film is adaptation of an almost forgotten Italian novel.
* SoBadItsGood: While not being explicitly bad, the film is extremely [[ClicheStorm cliché]] and [[TookTheBadFilmSeriously treated seriously by numerous actors]]. Having said that, its heavy dose of RuleOfCool, all the names in the cast and sheer silliness make it a good choice for a lone evening timekiller.
* WTHCastingAgency: [[Creator/BenKingsley Gandhi]] playing Merlin.

* ArtisticLicenseHistory: The film relies on RuleOfCool so much it makes Film/{{Gladiator}} look well-researched and accurate by comparison.
* BecauseYouCanCope: [[spoiler: Nestor tries to reason with Aurelius that both can simply cope with all the bad things around - killing kids for political reasons included]]. He is proven wrong by a sword thrusted into his body.
* BewareTheNiceOnes: Wulflia [[SuicidalOverConfidence greatly overestimates]] his chances [[spoiler: against Romulus holding him at swordpoint]].
* TheCavalry: [[spoiler: The Ninth saves the day by showing up for the final battle]].
* ChildhoodFriendRomance: Romulus ends up marrying Igraine.
* ConflictingLoyalty: Within the Western Empire everyone is trying to balance between their own survival, survival of the state and protection of the emperor. Eventually most of Romans dedide to simply [[IFightForTheStrongestSide team up with the stronger side]] and drop their own agendas.
* CoolOldGuy: Ambrosinus, by the sheer virtue of being [[spoiler: Merlin]].
* CurbStompBattle: [[spoiler: After the Ninth Legion joins the fry, the battle turns into a mop-up of Vortgyn troops]].
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