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3. Denaturation
4. Estuary
5. Population>community>Ecosystem>Biome
6. The longer wavelenght, the higher the energy
7. Tropic of capricorn
8. Telophase
9. Virus
10. Heterogenous mixture, solution
11. The universe retracts at certain point in time due.....
12. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulom
13. Photosynthesis
14. bacteria-like organelles
15. No reaction
16. Endothermic synthesis reaction
17. There will be no movement of water across the cell membrane of the blood cells
18. Interphase(Not)
19. Plasma
20. It is metalloid
21. Algae
22. Mitochondria:cellular movement
23. A car approaching a stop signal
24. Accurate observations are necessary to organize problems
25. The sum of the forces acting on the block is zero
26. On the 5cm x 10 cm side
27. Surface tension
28. light travels fastest in a vaccum while travels fastest in solid
29. Endothermic decomposition
30. Solid-solid solution
31. Cupernicus
32. The day and night throughout the globe would always be equal lenght
33. 8
34. Storm surge
35. In vitro fertilization
36. Insecta
37. They only have phenotyphic expression if they are homozygous.
38. Human arm and seal Flippers
39. Evening
40. A bird following the army ant and is able to catch
41. Secondary ecological succession
42. mollusks
43. Greenhouse gases
44. Greenhouse gas emission
45. The lion will die
46. Food web
47. Autolysis and putre faction
48. Interview resource in order to collect date problem
49. It will provide basis of comparison between treated and non treated subjects
50. meter
51. A car travelling at constant velocity along the expressway
52. fossil fuel (except)
53. Geothermal (population food supply)
54. baking soda
55. Esters
56. Far apart
57. They have properties of both metals and non metals
58. milk
59. weight
60. zone
61. small ribosomes use for protein synthesis
62. yeast
63. microbial culture
64. thyroid gland
65. runners
66. saprotrophs
67. It is the place in the environment where organisms live
68. Leech
69. Auxins and gibberilins
70. Walrus
71. Ecosystem
72. sars cov 2
73. 2 hrs
74. Francium has 87 protons
75. Organisms at the top of the phyramid receive the highest amount of energy
76. Hydrogen bonding connects every pair of nucleotides bases in both human DNA
77. Experimentation
78. It involves crossing over
79. change in shape
80. Tropical
81. Eubacteria:yeast
82. afforestation
83. Facilitated diffusion
84. orange juice
85. A continental crust and tectonic plate collide
86. organelles
87. core
88. Temperate Zone
89. A dead tree branch carried by the river current
90. 15km/hr
91. In motion
92. The heavier and farther the object is from the ground the greater potential energy
93. To withstand the greater pressure at the bottom
94. Membrane derived organelles are present
95. It contain cartoon atom attached to a hydrogen atom
96. skin cells
97. bile
98. Igneous
99. Tropical rainforest
100. Ecosystem
101. Chemical>electrical>light
102. Monocot
103. water
104. Action and reaction
105. Inertia
106. O
107. Sublimation
108. fission
109. Metabolism
110. capillaries
111. It causes a net force acting upward on the object
112. Intensity
113. Troposphere
114. Aphelion
115. Equinox
116. oceans
117. carbohydrates
118. ll & lll
119. nucleous
120. A mother bear caring for her cub
121. element
122. cold air is denser that it flows out near the bottom of the refrigerator
123. Because the bending of the light in the atmosphere of the moon
124. osmosis
125. oxygen
126. sugar
127. Double chromatids
128. cells-tissue-organs-system
129. Epiglottis
130. They are semi conductors
131. photosynthesis
132. both contain vacuoles
133. Chemical energy is being converted to heat energy which is lost
134. Eutrophication
135. Air is a mixture of gases nitrogen oxygen and other gas
136. Mechanical Weathering
137. sedimentary rocks contain grains of the other rocks
138. Clear and prized for its aesthetic and recreational qualities
139. changing og Iodine crystal into a violet gas
140. absorb less heat
141. Gosoline burn to power a car
142. brand of toothpaste
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