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Welcome to StarClan!
"I am Lionheart. I was a ThunderClan warrior. In a fierce battle, I died defending my Clan. Now I belong to StarClan, a Clan of the spirits of our warrior ancestors. Yes, you are dreaming. We often walk in the dreams of those we watch. Don't be afraid. I know it looks like a land of mist and shadow, but I promise there is enough light to warm the darkest of hearts. From here, we watch over the Clans we have left behind."
— Lionheart of StarClan

Enter... (OOC chat)

Frostheart (Frosty ~The SnowCat~): Monthlies? What were those?
XxGhostxX: nvm
XxGhostxX: Who wanna RP in Bloodclan
Ravenheart (Amber): It's hard to explain. Bit I think that COTM and TOTM will be the same.
XxGhostxX: ANYONE WANNA RP IN BC? (Bloodclan AW ALL ABOUT DAT BASE nu truble)
Flapper812(The one and only Shadow): nah take away TOTM
Frostheart (Frosty ~The SnowCat~): Sure Ghost!
XxGhostxX: Yay~
XxGhostxX: Go to Twolegplace, I started an RP, continue it, In Bloodclan
Frostheart (Frosty ~The SnowCat~): I have a BloodClan cat with a /horrible/ name. Okay
Ravenheart (Amber): Mkay.
XxGhostxX: Mine's Jade
Frostheart (Frosty ~The SnowCat~): Mine is Hazard. Gosh I hate that name
Frostheart (Frosty ~The SnowCat~): PE!
MoletoothTheCAT: Hi
Ash: ;.;
Ash: ,
Frostheart (Frosty ~The SnowCat~): Hi Moleh!
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»C A M P«

Above the clouds, among the throng of glittering stars, reside the warriors of each of the four Clans. Each translucent figure's purpose is to watch over each Clan, often sending prophecies and omens to medicine cats, leaders, and the occasional warrior. In the heart of the camp lies a circular pool where crystal-clear water resides in. This is how they decide and view their living Clanmates.

Eclipse(Aka Sharky) : He nodded."Yeah,but that's how it is,Starclan doesn't have power over the whole territory the clans live in,we just sent signs,warnings and in special occasions prophecies to the Medicine cats.."
Flapper812(The one and only Shadow): "im just upset that we didnt really do anything about it" she told hm "starclan never went down to Ray or Dapple to warn them about this so they could evacuate earlier"
Eclipse(Aka Sharky) : He nodded."True...we could have done something,but sometimes things doesn't work as to be expected."he replied with a bitter tone.
Flapper812(The one and only Shadow): She looked rather annoyed, "I dont find it fare at all" she said to him
Eclipse(Aka Sharky) : "I agree with you.."he replied again.
Flapper812(The one and only Shadow): She nidded, fluffing out her fur
Eclipse(Aka Sharky) : " wouldn't last forever,after Leaf-bare comes New-leaf it will be much warmer after this.."
Flapper812(The one and only Shadow): "but the camps would be overrun with water from the melting snow"
Eclipse(Aka Sharky) : "Unless they make a barrier around it,you know beavers do some barrier so their home wouldn't be flooded."
Flapper812(The one and only Shadow): "the snow is already in the camp
Eclipse(Aka Sharky) : "What if they made a sort of they put all of the snow of their camp in the tunnel and make a line next to a stream or river nearby,so when New-leaf come,the water would go to the river or stream."
Eclipse(Aka Sharky) : .
Eclipse(Aka Sharky) : flapp?
Ravenheart (Amber): Here
~Smokecloud~: here sorry
Ravenheart (Amber): Imma start.)) Ambermoon was curled around her kit, who had died from a broken neck. She licked the grey and white kit's fur, who was shivering, repetitivly. "Shh...It's leafbare. That's why it's cold. The living cats have it harder than us." She sighed. )( Aurorakit wailed. "Why can't you make a fire? It's too cold!" )( "Well, it's too dangerous."
~Smokecloud~: Smokecloud padded around the bend. "Everything ok over here?"
~Smokecloud~: Nightwhisper followed close by. "I think this snow is going to be the end of me." She muttered.
Ravenheart (Amber): "Yeah, my little light is just cold." She purred, nuzzling her kitten. "I know, right?" Aurorakit piped up. "Momma, just build a fire!" )( "Well, Aurorakit, there is nothing for me to burn"
~Smokecloud~: Sorry lag) "Good." She nooded.
Ravenheart (Amber): "But..." The kit sulked. )( "Hmm..." She pondered.
~Smokecloud~: "Come I think theres a warmer place up here."
Ravenheart (Amber): "Alright." She grabbed her kit by the scruff, and followed Smokecloud.
Ravenheart (Amber): .
~Smokecloud~: g2g sorry.
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»T H E I S L A N D«

Each full moon the StarClan entities watch from Silverpelt as the Gathering takes place at the Island seated between each of the four Clans. When angered by bickering cats, often they will send a storm cloud to cover the moon, shielding the Clan cats from the orb's white light.

~Blaze~ : he flicked his ears, toward the darkforest
~Blaze~ : he looked at her. "no i dont."
~Blaze~ : he looked at her "no i dont"
~Blaze~ : he looked at her "no i dont"
~Blaze~ : he looked at her "no i dont"
Ravenheart (Amber): "I see. YOu want to go there?"
~Blaze~ : he looked at her "no i dont"
Ravenheart (Amber): "Then why are you pointing ther?"
~Blaze~ : icyflame padded to a tree and leaped onto a branch. "because, the cats that killed out parents, went there after we avenged their deaths." she explained 'but in the process, we both got killed from blood loss"
~Blaze~ : flameriver bowed his head and his tail drooped
Ravenheart (Amber): "I see. But you must forget the past."
~Blaze~ : ...
~Blaze~ : ermahgerd srry, com crashed and ish being slow and didnt show yer comment
~Blaze~ : he looked up and there was anger in his eyes "how can i forget the past when i havent even found our parents here yet?!" he hissed at her
Ravenheart (Amber): LOL
~Blaze~ : XD yeah.... this computer sucks
Ravenheart (Amber): "What if they AREN'T here? What if they are in there?" She flicked her tail to the Dark Forest.
~Blaze~ : "they wouldnt be there. they werent bad cats, not at all" he said feeling uncertain now
~Blaze~ : ( srry if i do put ... its cuz i want to see if the computer is being stupid again)
~Blaze~ : ..
Ravenheart (Amber): Sorry, webs.
~Blaze~ : is ok :3
~Blaze~ : his ears went flat against his head as he gazed to the dark forest an walked away
Ravenheart (Amber): Imma poof from here, kk?
~Blaze~ : ok
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»M I S T Y F O R E S T«

StarClan cats hunt within the forest, starry outlines moving like shadows to catch their prey. Tall trees blanket the undergrowth while shrubs and stumps sprout beside one another. In the very middle lies a crystal-clear pool from which they drink from.

Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: "Nice to meet you, Cloudstream."
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: ..
Dawnfrost: I sent something but my internet freaked out so it didn't send
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: Okay? o3o
Dawnfrost: So..) "You too." He meowed. He tried to force away the dumbfounded confusion in his gaze, but he knew there was still some. "So how did you die?" He asked.
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: "Well.." She looked up, then shifted. "I died saving my family from some rouges..My mother told me not to, and I didn't listen. It was my time to die. So I kept fighting to defend my family, and the rouges disappeared after I died. I can still hear my mother crying out.."
Dawnfrost: "I was killed by, uh.. some dumb WindClan cat." He said, as he wasn't quite comfortable to answer questions if he said: "Oh I was killed by a medicine cat." "They ripped out my stomach fur, for my throat out and left me there to bleed to death. I remember my mate's screech and I believe she attacked and killed my murderer."
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: "Oh.. That sounds...very unfortunate.." She licked her chest fur, then looked back up at him. "Anymore questions?"
Dawnfrost: "Do you have any other relatives that are alive?" He nodded.
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: "Not that I know of.."
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: xDD Shimmerkit's trying to beat Russetkit in a fight but is failing epicly)
Dawnfrost: "That's odd, you look just like my mate."
Dawnfrost: XDD)
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: They found an unknown kit) Cheetahfang's gaze hardened. " things for sure, I'm not your mate."
Dawnfrost: "Obviously." He meowed. "That's just plain obvious."
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: Cheetahfang looked away. "Even if I did have a sister I didn't know about, she wasn't in my Clan for sure." She paused. "But I do remember.."
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: .
Dawnfrost: "What Clan were you in?"
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: "ThunderClan...why?"
Dawnfrost: "Just curious." He meowed. "I lived in WindClan; born in RiverClan."
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: "Hmm.."
Dawnfrost: "I was killed by a Clanmate."
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: "Horrible!!!" She hissed.
Miku ~ Irene ~ Soul: DAWN
Dawnfrost: "Yah, I know. She hated me." He meowed.
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»D A R K F O R E S T B O R D E R«

As you venture nearer to the border, your surroundings change from serene and peaceful to dark and murky. Shadows flit about in your peripheral vision, stirring up uneasy feelings within the pit of your stomach. The cluster of trees that grow here are shriveled and black while the sky darkens to a ruddy red, which soon shifts to a midnight black. As you reach the border, a protective line is set, dividing those of the wicked from the pure. If you had any sense you would not dare approach such an evil place, for Dark Forest cats are known for their trickery.

Sweetpool (Sweet): Sparkleleaf raced to the edge of starclan and darkforest "Darkfang!!!!!"
Sweetpool (Sweet): a big dark tom padded out "Sparkleleaf?" She nodded as she brushed her muzzle to his
Sweetpool (Sweet): Darkfang sat down "I've missed you..."Sparkleleaf nodded "I've missed you too" they sat pressed against each other
Sweetpool (Sweet): Moonpaw padded in 'Mom?" she said.Sparkleleaf was pinned to the ground two big cats on her
Kitten3716: (really? >w<)
Firebreeze of river clan : I ain't spamming
Ravenheart (Amber): Yeah you are. I'll report you. You typed random letters and posted it. Considered spam.
Ravenheart (Amber): I woild report you, but I'll just let it go.
Firebreeze of river clan : Sorry
Firebreeze of river clan : how bout if I pop it out.
Firebreeze of river clan : Thier
Ravenheart (Amber): Um...wut?
Firebreeze of river clan : Guess WHAT!!!!!
Ravenheart (Amber): o.o
Firebreeze of river clan : I have super smash brawls.
Mallow(Team Castiel): Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Flapper812(The one and only Shadow): http://anfang.webs. com/ WE MOVED TO BACK UP SITE DO NOT POST AFTER THIS
moonpaw: posted
Kitten3716: Guys please head over to the backup site :3 http://anfang.webs. com
Dont steal from Kugyay: Please stop copying and Thank-You
☆Echo219☆: http://anfang.webs. com Mhm! Everyone head to the backup site!
Lionfur and ect. : Somberwhisker: (mumbles) I wonder what would happen if I talk to Arrowstar? Cat: don't. StarClan will be mad (murmurs and swipes tail over jaw)
stormcloud: h-hi
Ravenheart (Amber): Lion, who is Arrowstar? There was no leader named Arrowstar on here.
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Welcome Back!

XxGhostxX (Sign Out)
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Newest Warriors

Hey everyone :D Listen, I recently came across something while on another website and I found this. As it may not be about our site, I want everyone to know that our site could become a target aswell. I want every member to delete any artwork that is not theirs or that they havnt gotten permission to use said picture. This is just to ensure that we wont be next. If you refuse to take down any 'stolen' artwork, I will take down your account until you take it down. It is a very serious offense and it is illegal, so we'd be messing with the law. This includes Character sites, Profiles, Profile pictrues and photos.

I will go through everyones profiles, character sites and photos and will leave a comment and a link to the pictures that must be taken down. If you have gotten permission I want proof. Thank you guys

What is concidered art theft: Using images with a water mark, Tracing over images to make your own picture, using drawn images without permission, Using any image without permission, using an image and giving credit *sorry but this does not slide*


Due to the inactivity within the clans, all human/twoleg roleplay has been suspended until further notice. Just a friendly reminder as to why the site was created, for warrior cats of course! But that doesnt mean we cant have a balance between the two in the future. However, inorder to restore the active balance, we ask you please bare with us during this time period, and try something new! Join a clan, start by clicking here.

This is only temporary, so PLEASE do not fret. Also, please do be kind to the staff members, we also love to roleplay humans, however we must take into account the best interest for the sites health. Thanks!

From the 20th to the 25th of every month, unless an administrator says otherwise, we will be going to the official backup website of Leafheart12!

»N E W S«

»The next gathering is March 4th at 7PM EST. Don't be late!

»The next medicine cat gathering is on March 13th at 7PM EST. Don't be late!

»A new Wolf plot is being devised!! Stay tuned!

» Remeber both Riverclan and Windclan camps have been destroied by snow and ice! They are to be Rped at either the Thunderclan border or Shadowclan border

*Everyone with a high rank please go to this page!*


»S E A S O N«



»W E A T H E R«

»Temperature: High 20s, low as 5 degrees

»Forecast: Unusual snow fall, Strong winds

New Stories
by Harmony~ 9 hours ago
Gone with The Blowing Wind
by Lovina Vargas (Shockeh C:) 2 days ago
Legends of Eclipse
by Eclipse(Aka Sharky) 8 days ago
by Lynx The Mad Hatter 2 weeks ago
New Photos
[Mudpelt "Don] [Scrap]
[Ocha Leaf] [Stitch]


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