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In 2021, Here are five ways to actually make money online

earn money online

Is it possible to earn money online?
My friends asked me that after I posted about 5 wrong ways to make money online in 2021 in my previous post
A lot of people even say that earning money online is a lie. The standard thinking is that everything is already created, and the famous people are making money already.
You don't need to reinvent the wheel, build the next social network, or come up with a product that solves a problem that everyone faces to earn good money online.
A great idea requires a proven concept that has worked well for others, and then it needs to be executed with a personal touch.
Taking the time to learn something correctly and understanding that patience, consistency, and learning new skills are required for a project's success will ensure its success.
How you perceive the world depends on your input. In turn, your outlook influences your output, and your output influences your future.
The Ziglar Effect
Remember that I could tell you right now a hundred ways to make thousands of dollars online, but if you don't do your homework and put the time into it, you wont even make a dollar.
This is due to the fact that money cannot be made easily.
When I tell people the process to earn money by writing, they give up after a couple of months because they are not earning the thousands of dollars I promised them.
Each day, they tell me that each of their articles doesn't earn a single dollar, so they don't devote much time to writing.
There is nothing wrong with saying that Desiree makes thousands of dollars writing only two or three articles a month, however they do not realize that I work on those two or three articles for over 4 hours per day every day.
Today, I am going to share with you 5 proven ways that you can make money online based on my personal experience and testing. There are no risks, low costs, and you can learn for free in those jobs.
Putting the time and effort into the jobs you're currently doing could allow you to earn 6 figures from them.
A software development company
Since 2005, I've worked as a Software Developer. I am certain that the market is growing up and that more jobs are being offered every day.
Since the pandemic, many software companies have gone completely remote. By 2021, developers will have more opportunities to work at home if there were already good offers before.
According to USA Today, software developers earn anywhere between $30000 and $120000 a year.

Salary screenshot taken from Stackoverflow
To become a developer, you do not need years of study, nor do you need to be an expert in the field. While I did not have work experience at the time, I had taken technical courses and gotten my first job at 17.
Currently, there are many programming courses to choose from on pages like Udemy, Code academy, or Coursera, that take up to six months to complete. During those six months, you should be able to work on projects and create a portfolio if the course is good and you are passionate about coding.
You can get a position on the software team in one of the following areas if you don't want to start programming right away:
The Quality Assurance (QA) Developer (or quality assurance person) is the person who tests a developer's code to ensure it is of high quality.
Developer to analyze data. Essentially, they are in charge of gathering the software's requirements and informing the developer of what the requirements are.
Managing a project. From the beginning of the project to its completion, he is responsible for overseeing the software project. As the date-setter, he ensures everything goes according to plan.
You will also become familiar with the local area through these jobs as well as earn good money.
It is recommended that you consider a programming language that is suitable to your objectives if you want to become a developer. Zulie has provided a list here that can help you choose the right programming language. Get an expert's opinion of it.
Start making small personal projects (even if they are calculators or to-do lists) and use a repository like GitHub to maintain an online portfolio.
2 Create a blog
There are currently 133 million blogs on the internet, so it is hard to believe that you can still make money from one. On the Internet, however, many people succeed every day.
There isn't a lot of quality information on the internet. Therefore, you can stand out if you are innovative and good enough. Only a few blogs earn relevant amounts and that is mostly due to people not being willing to invest the time needed.
In 8 months, I built an audience that leaves me 4 figures a month. Not only me, but two of my friends have started blogging professionally this fall, and one of them could go viral in 2021

In the world of internet writing, you can discuss a huge range of topics. It doesn't mean that your area already has a good blog, just because there are many blogs already.
When it's possible to find ways to add value to a large number of people, you have the chance to have a great deal of financial abundance in your life.
Theodore Robbins

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