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9th grade

i have a very bad pimple problem.I don't know where they are coming from but i washed all of my blankets ad clothes.i even bought some skincare and cream for my face but they keep appearing. I also lost y nose ring while i was sleeping and now it's gone forever and my nose is closed.

I have a big problem with confidence.ever since i went to my new school everything changed.i dont like change. but i wanted to prove my mom wrong and show her that i can meet new people.but i have't yet so i guess i lost to her.Anyway, i am getting all of my work done and have better grades than i did in middle school I guess you could say that was an improvement.back to confidence,i have non.BUT im working on it i usually tell myself that i dont cre what others think but I know that deep down not too deep that i do care and i hate it. everyone is so pretty and unique i always feel like they are better than me and don't worry i use still use some of my "trauma" oorr the bad things that I experienced as humor to keep me from being depressed again like my 6th grade self.BACK BACK TO CONFIDENCE(keep getting off topic sorry.) i dont like taking off my mask during school lunch because when i overthink that the guy i liked for more than 2 years would thik i look hideous(even though he has alreay seen me) OOH! i have something to tell you aswell!!

SO my friend adeshina alassani you might remember him from 6th grade when we were younger, he has new friends ad there names are essence,aaliyah,and king and boyy ohh boy there is a lot of things happening its sooo dramatic like im telling you its crazy like aeshina does not like aaliyah but aaliyah is dating king but also essence likes adeshina even though sh says she doesnt but adeshina doesnt like her because he is OBSeSSING over this girl name raeyhn...LIKE YOU FINAlly have someone who likes and cares for you why dnt you just dateee herrr like se is soo amazing too!!
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