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How good is Bitcoin as an investment?

Bitcoin ignited a revolution.
There has always been this idea that you could have digital money. The bitcoin proof of concept was verified by the cryptocurrency.
But it didn't end with money. In the context of a multi trillion dollar market, Bitcoin brought innovation and creativity.
We will be analyzing Bitcoin in this report to see if it is still a good investment.
Final score: 97/100 for Cryptomix
Report the results:
Product 31 / 33
Community 33 / 33
Leadership that exemplifies 33 / 33
Product/Working Product
The Bitcoin project has a single purpose. As if it were money. Money fulfills the three functions well.
Value store
Message medium
Counting unit
It is a solid store of value. It is impossible to have infinite amounts of Bitcoin. The number will never exceed 21 million.
By losing passwords, and sending emails to nonexistent addresses, circulation drops.
As of Decrypt, around 4 million Bitcoins have disappeared.
There is no doubt that bitcoin is a popular means of exchange. You can easily create a Bitcoin wallet and start using it right away.
The contrast between traditional banks is particularly striking.
In less than six months, 21 million Salvadoreans used Bitcoin wallets. El Salvador will recognize Bitcoin as legal tender in early 2021. This contrasts sharply with the 18 million individuals with bank accounts.
In addition to being an account unit, Bitcoin also succeeds as a digital currency. Having the ability to evaluate the value of a product or service.
Bitcoin is decimalized to eight places. Furthermore, if the number of developers had to increase, the core developers could easily do so.
However, Bitcoin currently struggles as a stable unit of account. In the near future, it will likely happen.
Cryptocurrencies are more volatile than currencies such as US dollars and euro.
Pizza purchased early on in the Bitcoin era is a great example. During that period, he spent 10000 bitcoins. A bitcoin of that value would be worth millions today.
There is no other solution to this problem other than widespread adoption. The price of Bitcoin would remain stable if everyone used it natively.
At the moment, though, the price is too volatile to function as a unit of account. Hence, money.
The momentum of adoption will drive merchants to measure first in US dollars (or their preferred fiat currency) and then Bitcoin.
Scalability & centralization
In addition to being unscalable, Bitcoin suffers from inefficiency as well. This limits the amount of transactions that can be executed.
A bitcoin transaction cap of ten million per month applies to bitcoin.
Solution proposals abound. They often come with centralization, however. This departs from the philosophy of decentralization of Bitcoin.
Tech can't scale and stay decentralized at the same time.
Two possible scenarios are presented here.
The infrastructure behind Bitcoin enables scalable decentralization.
In a technological innovation, a competitor renders Bitcoin useless.
It appears increasingly likely that the first scenario will play out as the Bitcoin ecosystem grows. I think of projects such as Lightning Network.
However, the 2nd scenario is not impossible. A decade ago, Bitcoin was invented. It's interesting that Bitcoin hasn't yet been dethroned by a competitor.

It would be very profitable for someone to create a better Bitcoin. However, no one has made it despite the powerful financial incentive.
The fact that it is technically impossible indicates that it cannot be done. Innovation, however, surprises everyone in a funny way. We shouldn't discard this possibility.
Bitcoin has a good chance of replacing the monetary system in some way. Most of the banking profession agrees.
There is a functioning product with Bitcoins. In the short term it cannot be scaled, but over time it can.
Score: 31 / 33 for the working product
Community active
Bitcoin enjoys an advantage over other cryptocurrencies because it was one of the first to launch. Therefore, it has the largest market capitalization, most adoption, and most public recognition.
The largest community of any cryptocurrency is that of bitcoin. There are many sub-communities within it because it is so big. Their cultural and linguistic diversity makes them unique.
This is the spirit of Bitcoin. There is no centralized authority. In Mongolia's rural plains and among Latin American elected officials. Bitcoin is a belief held by millions.
Bitcoin's community will grow as cryptocurrency adoption continues.
The Bitcoin community is flourishing and will continue to grow for several years to come
Score for the active community: 33 / 33
Leadership is a must
With Bitcoins, a decentralized monetary system is created. In the end, it would undermine everything to entrust everything to one person.
In the absence of a leader, Satoshi Nakamoto would be an appropriate choice. Currently, no one knows their identity. The Bitcoin wallet they have been using has been inactive since last year. In addition, they are probably not going to become a public figure.
Everything Satoshi Nakamoto did was perfect.
There is no public figurehead for Bitcoin, which is its best scenario. Leadership is assumed by the community.
A Bitcoin does not need an advocate. This speaks for itself: Bitcoin.
Leadership is crucial for most projects to succeed. It is exactly this characteristic that makes Bitcoin so desirable.
Bitcoin is best served by no leader.
Leadership score: 33 / 33

A few words of wisdom
Market share is led by Bitcoin. No matter how you measure it, it thrives. The trend is unstoppable.
These factors make it a valuable investment for any portfolio.
Score for Crystalmix: 97 / 100

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