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Challenges you might face when studying abroad

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Looking forward to studying overseas? While to some it may seem like an exciting opportunity, others are scared due to homesickness, language issues or even financial crisis at times. So for those of you who plan to study overseas, here are three challenges of studying abroad and tips on how to overcome them.

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Feeling like an outsider
When you’re in a new country, it’s almost certain that you’ll feel like an ‘outsider’. It is not always easy to make friends in a new environment, and living in a new country with different cultural norms can also be very challenging. To conquer that, find peace in knowing that you will start to feel comfortable in no time – it might just take you a few weeks to adjust. You can also try to make friends with at least 1 local to help you get across cultural boundaries.

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Language barriers
Even if you’re studying in a country where you speak the same language, communication barriers are a reality of living abroad. You can choose to let it stress you out, or you can take them in as another learning opportunity. To overcome language barriers, befriend locals and ask for tips and advice for ways to interact with strangers authentically. Most importantly, do not let fear of speaking incorrectly keep you from interacting with locals.

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Homesickness is very common when you are away from your loved ones. However, you can not let it become a crippling part of your experience abroad. To overcome that, keep yourself busy! You can get involved in new interests or clubs or adventures in your study abroad destination. To get a taste of home, you can also try to find restaurants that sell your local cuisines.

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Those are some challenges that you might face when studying abroad, and ways to overcome them. So, what other things are you concerned about when studying abroad? Comment and let us know!
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