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Expressionist Architecture
Expressionist architecture refers the aesthetic style that dominated architects' circles in the early 20th century. There are three main kinds of architectural styles: Dadaism (Fauvism), Cubism (Cubism). Expressionist architecture in its purest form was defined by the absence of ornamentation and colors, a reliance on flat surfaces to construct its buildings and a heavy emphasis on the human form and texture. Expressionist architecture was first described as the architectural activities of avant-garde Czech, Dutch, Austrian and German architects between 1910 and 1930. This style was born out of a desire to build modernist buildings in a less complicated way.

Dadaism grew out of the salon fashion that was influenced by the Viennese Expressionist painter Julius Frank, whose works were highly popular amongst the art enthusiasts of the time. His style was heavily focused on emotions and emotions. The movement was a revival of the concept of art. Artists believed that art should be directly linked to the emotions of people. The famous Expressionist building he built at Dessau is a simple house.

Fauvism, on the other hand is an ideology that emerged from the prevailing of Cubism and Neoclassicism. It sought to create a completely new kind of architecture, one that was free from human characteristics. รับออกแบบบ้าน Louis Paul de Maistre, the famous French architect was the architect. He was heavily influenced by the French Expressionists. He believed that an architect must be capable of "free his mind". He believed that happiness can be determined by how the human being interacts with his house.

The Third Wave of expressionism came with World War I, when architects sought ways to help in the war by introducing an edgier form of architecture. This was the time that expressionism fell apart. Many architects were accused of'stagnant modernism'. Their designs were criticized for being boring and sterile. In reaction some architects tried to blend traditional techniques with new materials. Although they hoped to help modern architectural aesthetics but they failed to incorporate new ideas into their designs.

A great illustration of the expressionist style can be seen in the works of architects like Bruno Taut, who is best known for his work on the Barcelona Cathedral. You can see in his works that he was influenced principally by the old Roman structures like the Acropolis and the Pantheon. His most popular subjects were flying machines and wheels, and his most striking element was the lack of any ornamentation.

Bruno Taut, Peter Eisenman along with his collaborators created the famous Werkbund Exhibition. This pavilion is among the most distinctive expressionist architectural creations of this period and was the first to be used by the Nazi's during World War II as a symbol of their power and as a place they could hide. The word "werkbund" refers to the wooden structure in which was used to construct the glass. This wooden box became the home of the unique architect. When Taut created this masterpiece, he used a huge amount of glass, each of which would have been carefully selected from all over Europe to meet the requirements of ensuring that the building was completely weatherproof. The glass box was made from wood, something that Bruno Taut never compromised.

Expressionist architecture and art were extremely popular during the 20th century. Artists like Jasper Johns and Frank Stella Paul DurandRuel Frantz Boas and Paul Durand-Ruel were able to utilize this style to create stunning works. However, as with the architectural expressionist movements, this movement was met with fierce opposition from conservative politicians, and conservative architects and artists who resisted the idea of straying from the old traditions. The opposition to Expressionist art and architecture was led by artists like Frank Stella, who was especially drawn to the stylised forms and symmetries that were characteristic of Expressionist structures, since he believed that this style could offer an exquisite view of beauty than the stuttering monotony of conservative art. As the years went by this design style was accepted by a few members of the British Royalty who built vast palaces in silent complexes, often made of stained glass. A lot of British Royalty's contemporary homes are adorned with glass. This gives the home a feeling of being outdoors despite the fact that there are large expanses of glass that block sunlight. In fact, the British Royalty's love of Expressionism architecture is so incredible, that over the last few years, they have been banned from the structures they designed, due to the fact that they have caused damage to the ozone layer.

Today, the 21st century has seen Expressionist architecture take on a completely new look, with a whole new style of architecture emerging that is all about fun and yet are able to evoke a very strong emotional response from those who see them. A lot of people are starting to consider the inner experiences that be experienced when they visit these kinds of structures. It is becoming increasingly evident that these buildings influence the experiences of the people who visit them. The structure of the interior experience can inspire strong feelings of spirituality, or of leaving one's comfort zone for an experience of spiritual enlightenment. It is apparent in many churches that are being built in conjunction with this type architecture. Many churches are planning to build spaces for worship within their newly constructed buildings that will give their members to meditate or even receive communion while being surrounded with stunning natural scenery.

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