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Billie Eilish losing 100,000 followers from Instagram, shows why people need to grow up!

Billie Eilish is the girl who was spotted with loose, baggy and funky clothes everywhere. She became the icon real quick, because a lot of people could relate with her being not so ‘superstar-ish’, and another group of people could relate with her being not so ‘feminine’! She was the ultimate rule-breaker, and lauded for ‘being herself’.

She wouldn’t fit into the social rules established for women, but suddenly something happened that forced her followers to unfollow her from Instagram, where she has over 90 million followers till date. She lost 100,000 followers in a matter of hours, after she posted this photo, here —

Billie Eilish at Met Gala 2021, wearing a corset dress
Billie Eilish at Met Gala 2021, wearing a corset dress
In this picture, she shed her previous image of the ‘bad girl’, ‘rule-breaker’, and appeared more in lines with how a woman is supposed to be. More feminine maybe? Maybe this is what triggered her fans into unfollowing her in massive numbers. Here is what Eilish had to say about it all —

“People hold on to these memories and have an attachment. But it’s very dehumanising. I lost 100,000 followers, just because of the boobs. People are scared of big boobs.” — Billie Eilish

Well, in reality, people are not scared of big boobs I’m sure, but they are surely disappointed that Eilish also gave in to the hymns and orchestration of Hollywood, and finally submitted herself to the very people that she revolted against (or appeared to do so!).

This entire episode reminds me of Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana saga, where first she was a loved, adored teenage sensation, a role model for many girls across the world, but suddenly as she matured and became her own personality, people got offended by it.

Miley Cyrus (before and after)
Parents weren’t happy with their daughters idolising Miley Cyrus anymore. From being a dutiful daughter, and a lovely singer, she had turned into a brat, a hyper-sexualised woman who was nothing less than a bad influence on the teen girls.

It happened. And as a 90s kid, I was witness to it. And I feel like history repeating itself, when I see Billie Eilish, being dragged into the similar story again. She expressed herself by dressing the way she wanted to be dressed. She’s no longer looking like the emo-teen who writes depressing songs.

She’s just modern day Avril Lavigne. I remember my classmates in school used to idolise her so much, and now the same classmates are married with kids, living a very religious life — the very thing they used to oppose years ago!

Just like us normal humans, superstars, singers, actors, and celebrities too, have phases. They change. They evolve. They learn and they adapt.

Sometimes they have to do it to transition from being a child artist, to be accepted into the adult industry. Sometimes they do it to be taken seriously by the people around them. And sometimes they do it just because they feel like their teenage years are behind them now. They need to evolve, grow and change too.

Following or unfollowing someone, is absolutely a personal choice, but as mature adults, we have to understand that the person we are idolising isn’t going to remain the same throughout their lives. They need to grow, and break their shell as well.

They might not have the very thoughts and ideologies, that you followed them for, but it’s okay. That’s where you will grow too, when you witness someone changing, so closely.

Maybe that helps you change your own mindset too, into viewing the world as an ever-evolving, ever changing, living thing!
There are many people who still follow Miley Cyrus, and have been her avid fans since Hannah Montana days, and they are witnesses to her growth, change and transition. They saw her falling in love with Hemsworth, and their relationship and marriage, going downhill.

They saw her breakdowns and emotions, in her music and her social media posts. And I think you get a lot to learn from it all. The entire life graph, of any person that you admire, follow or even observe, can become a life lesson for you. There are people who have had breakdowns and who have had their moments on social media, and I love them solely for being real.

Alain De Botton discussing philosophy on a podium. He has a channel on YouTube called ‘The School of Life’
Alain De Botton discussing philosophy on a podium. He has a channel on YouTube called ‘The School of Life’
There are some amazing profiles on Instagram, YouTube and other platforms, where people discuss a lot about life and growing up that you end up being a part of their circle, and their lives as well. Eventually, you see yourself learning from their experiences.

Shutting them down for being who they are, won’t affect them in the process, but surely affect you.
After Billie Eilish, you will hunt for some other celebrity who wears loose clothes and who is an emo teen, writing depressing songs. Eilish will grow up to become another person altogether, but you will be right there, hunting for new emo-teens every few years.

Now, that’s your personal choice if you want to remain there for all your life. But Eilish or Cyrus won’t stop for you. They won’t continue being same teen-girls all their lives only because they started as one. It’s you who need to adapt to and accept the change. That’s why, more than a 100,000 people unfollowing Eilish for her change, is plain ridiculous!

Why Ridiculous?
Because those who unfollowed her, are the very people who appreciated her for being ‘real’, and being ‘who she is’. And suddenly, it’s they who decide that Eilish in a corset or tight-fit clothes, isn’t the real Eilish, but it is the industry that forced her to be one among them. Hypocritical enough?

This was my opinion on Eilish losing out on a massive number of followers for no reason at all— what do you think? Comment your thoughts below 👇🏻
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