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Corrosion of Pipes: What Happens?
It is not possible to make pipes last for ever. A copper pipe will corrode over time and in certain conditions, regardless of its 50+ year lifespan. Why is pipe corrosion so detrimental to your plumbing and water system? What is the best way to prevent your pipes from corroding?

In , corrosion affects pipes of different types. There are several factors that cause cast iron pipe corrosion to appear differently than that of galvanized pipes. We want your plumbing and the water you drink to be safe.

Corrosion of Pipes: What are the Causes?
Corrosion occurs when electrons exchange electrochemically. Due to a chemical reaction with another substance, the metal in your pipe loses electrons. It eventually leads to rust, clogs or leaks due to the wear that occurs on a molecular level.

The following are some of the more common causes of corrosion in metal pipes:

There is a low pH. If your PH is less than 7 then your water is acidic. The presence of acid in water can dissolve pipes from within and is a common cause of corrosion in copper pipes.
An oxygen-rich environment. The presence of oxygen in your water can cause oxidation or rust to occur more quickly. A buildup of rust that is left unchecked will corrode and clog your pipes.
Aspects of water. Having hard water that is high in minerals can cause calcification and mineral accumulation. Galvanic corrosion occurs when electrons from metals with high electron counts are transferred to metals with fewer electrons.
Currents in electric power. In an ungrounded electrical circuit, copper pipes can corrode.
Rapid speed. Water traveling at high speeds, especially hot water, can cause your pipes to deteriorate prematurely.
What effect does corrosion have on my water?
The way corrosion affects your water will depend on the type of pipes you have. You can experience the following effects:

An exploration
A measure of turbidity (cloudiness)
A bitter aftertaste
Foul odor
Issues with health
Rust will cause iron pipes to clog. Adding iron to drinking water can result in reddish-colored water. The added iron doesn't cause any health issues, however the taste might be unappealing.

It is possible to get blue colored water from copper pipes. Water with this blue color contains copper due to corrosion. A high copper intake can lead to liver and kidney damage. In most cases, the problem can be seen before it becomes a health issue.

Although plastics and PVC pipes resist corrosion, little information is available about their long-term properties, since they are newer materials. The primary corrosion risk is along joints and connectors where metal or rubber parts are used.

If lead pipes are corroded, they can be extremely dangerous. When lead gets into water, it can cause serious health problems, especially for children. Don't drink your water if your home has lead plumbing.

Why do Pipe Corrosions Affect My Plumbing?
There are many problems associated with water pipe corrosion in your home, including:

One of the iron pipes has a rusted hole.
Water pressure is too low
Stains of rust
Appliances damaged by fire
Eventually, corroded pipes may develop small holes or cracks that eventually lead to large breaks and flooding. You may experience low water pressure or clogged faucets and water heaters due to interior corrosion. Rust can stain your sink.

Low water pressure, high water bills, and cloudy or discolored water are all signs of pipe corrosion. A thin or brittle pipe can appear without visual evidence.

Corroded Pipes: What to do
Ensure that your pipes are safe and working properly by having a certified plumber examine them. By following these steps, you can be sure corrosion isn't ruining your plumbing and you can maintain clean and healthy water in your house.

Find out what is causing corrosion by taking a Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) test. LSI tests assess water quality by assessing:

Dissolved solids total
Sodium alkalinity
*Note: The Langelier test does not detect lead in water. Lead-specific testing is required.

Your water softener or filter can treat harsh water before it travels through your pipes with a hard-wired connection. A water softener removes excessive minerals, which lead to buildup and difficult washing. The use of a water filter can prevent corrosion caused by chemicals and bacteria. It will also improve the taste of your water!

A Guide to Cleaning Copper Pipe Corrosion
Copper pipe corrosion is caused by oxidation. This patina resembles rust on other types of pipes. As the corrosion progresses, it can cause more serious problems.

Copper pipe that is corroded in blue.
You can use one of two methods to clean copper pipes:

A commercial metal polish designed for copper.
Vinegar, salt, and flour paste.
If you are using a commercial polish, follow the package instructions. To use the natural paste, brush it onto the affected areas and wait ten minutes. Vinegar has an acid that should dissolve alkali stains. Simply wipe off with a clean cloth. As necessary, repeat the process.

Your Corroded Pipes Need Repair or Replacement
Do not wait until rust colored water and damaged walls remind you that you have a plumbing problem. However, the alternative is much worse than replacing a pipe. To check your pipes for corrosion, call or contact Candu Plumbing today. Our technicians can assist you in deciding the best course of action when corroded pipes affect your water supply.

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