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Why You Should Choose Karate Over Other Martial Arts

Karate could be translated into Japanese in the form of "empty hand" in Japanese. This is due to the fact that it uses a range of non-weapons-based techniques like punching and kicking, to protect against attackers. Okinawa is believed to be the place where karate was first developed karate origins and a variety of forms of the martial arts are derived from Okinawa. Gichin Funakoshi, one the most prominent Okinawan masters, developed his unique style of karate which was dubbed Shotokan. Karate is an ancient martial art, was developed in East Asia hundreds of years back. The origins of Karate are derived from the even earlier Chinese martial arts. However, the method as well as the movements and the art of fighting were refined so much, there are only a few similarities between the ancient Chinese art and Karate. So, is Karate Japanese or Chinese?

Karate as a Self Defense Weapon
There are many karate 'forms'. Schools often offer the same form but it's not much more effective. A majority of these classes are focused on the basics, which is fine, but even their advanced classes aren't like the real thing. Students learn techniques they won't get elsewhere in the top Karate schools. where did Karate originate make karate an effective self-defense tool that can be utilized in real-world situations.

Karate is highly effective due to its efficiency
One of the key elements of effective karate training is to focus on blocking attacks. We're going to assume that a small portion of readers of this article have been hurt by the use of a knife or fist, but be aware that the majority of punches or knife attacks are directed straight towards you, rather than in an arcuate. If someone throws a wild haymakerat you, it's easy to defend against, even without karate origins instructions! Where did Karate originate?

The beauty of karate is that it can be applied when someone is attacking in a conventional straight line. You can counterattack by stepping to the opposite side of the attacker and hitting his arm with one hand and his stomach with the other. Your quick and effective response will be ignored by the majority street attackers. You can conclude matters by kneeing him in the groin or the quadriceps. He'll collapse into an avalanche and then the danger will be eliminated.

Lightening Defense
The majority of attackers will want that you aim your punches at the head so when they throw a blow with his right hand, block it with your left (or block by using your right hand, when he throws a left) then use your free hand to aim a devastating strike to his midsection. An attack will be ended as quickly as an groin strike by a firm strike to the solar plexus.

If you believe that the attacker is charging at you, hit him with a fast front kick using the ball of your feet smashing into the stomach of his. The result is that he will fall backwards and cause severe discomfort. In this situation, a kick to the groin area is not as effective, as he will keep kicking you in spite of the severe pain.

Karate is one of the most effective martial arts to master due to its efficacy in combat situations where rules of decorum don't exist. While it is also fun to learn, its effectiveness can be the difference between getting home in one piece and suffering a serious injury from the unpredictable violence of a vicious thug.
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