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The Girl Who Played With Death By Martine Woolgate Book Review
You can't deny that romance sells products; everyone from Wall Street to Main Street thrives on romance. Romance has always existed, but the role of the romance book has changed greatly over the years. The once "romance book" was one that revolved around a love story between a hero and a heroine. Nowadays, romance is defined more by its plotline than anything else, which is why many romance novels get placed in the trash. However, if you are a writer and you want to write a romance book that people will enjoy reading, you need to pay attention to three things. These three things will help you make your romance a winner over time.

Romance is not always about love. In fact, two very different kinds of romance have risen in popularity. The first type is the prescient fantasy romance, which takes place in a universe where magic has been real all along, but the human species has forgotten. The second kind of romance is the tragic end romantic comedy. These stories are usually set in present times, but have a main character who rises above the circumstances to achieve great heights of success or achievement.

Both these kinds of romance drive their readers mad with desire for the heroine to find out what has happened to her world. In a prescient fantasy story, the heroine awakens one day in a mental institution. She walks into the dimly lit, windowless room and sees her dead father lying on a cold, cement floor. deadly dreams romance has been brutally murdered by a gang of cannabalists who have been sent to eliminate him for some unknown reason. As the heroine searches through the dark, empty corridors of the mental institution, she finds herself being visited by several mysterious men who seem to know more about her than she does.

Entering the room, the gangsters take advantage of the apparently insane woman's state of mind by torturing her to discover information that only she knows. In the process they accidentally kill one of the men, forcing the heroines to kill them in order to escape. As the heroines struggle between revenge and justice, the clockwork creatures start to populate the mental institution. They prove invaluable in helping the heroine to remember some of her past events, such as how she was saved by a deadly dream from her past, how she became a millionaire, and how she and her husband had finally succeeded in creating a brilliant family. All of these events make her remember the dead father, enabling her to finally put an end to the prescient dreams and prevent the cannabalists from taking over the world.

While the first part of this novel is excellent, the second half fails to hold the interest of the reader. I felt that I had missed something so vital to the overall plot of the novel. This is why I wish I had finished reading this book two or three times before I decided to put it down. There are some minor twists at the end of the novel that left me a little confused but other than that, this is a great romantic comedy for any woman to read. It is very romantically interesting and entertaining.

The premise itself may seem a little off-putting to the typical male readers but to those who are into such stuff, the idea will not be so unbelievable. Martine Woolgate does a great job of weaving the history of this murder mystery with real life events. deadly dreams romance makes the characters more relatable to most men. While the victim is a man, the reader gets to see the perspective of a woman so the romance in this novel is somewhat predictable, but then again, it is still a great read because it involves true love and murder.

I especially like the way Woolgate wrote about the murder because it gives an insight into how murder is carried out. It also explains how people get killed, what the motive was, and why it was necessary to end the life of the victim. This is a great way to bring realism to a story because most of these characters and their respective relationships are based off of true events. Most of them are just weird enough to make you feel for the killers, if not for the victims.

Romance is always great, especially if it involves murder, love, or even just good old fashioned lust. In "The Girl Who Played With Death" by Martine Woolgate, she takes readers on a journey through history and mythology to finally discover the killer. This is a great book for any woman to read because it will bring some spice to their current romance and possibly entice new loves into their lives. Romance is powerful stuff and "The Girl Who Played With Death" will definitely add some flavor to any readers current romantic endeavors.
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