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some Food Preservation Procedures Common To African Cuisine
For hundreds of years, food on the African continent has been preserved without the particular benefit for refridgeration. Exactly how? canning supplies starter kit describes several methods of food maintenance common in Photography equipment.

1 ) Sun-drying

Intended for many Africans, the particular sun is a good important factor in foods preservation. Right after the harvest, grains such as millet, maize, sorghum, green gram, and wheat, in addition to pulses such since beans and peas are spread away in the sunshine to dry. If totally dried of wetness, these foodstuffs could last a long time instructions sometimes years -- if trapped in a new cool, dry spot and protected by pests.

Most households a new granary created way above the particular ground, where food were stored. In addition to drying, it was also common to apply solid wood ash to pulses like beans and even peas to discourage insect infestation. Typically the ash could easily be washed out ahead of cooking the signal.

Various types involving vegetables, tubers and fish can also be successfully maintained in this method. Tubers for example cassava or sweet spud may have to be able to be sliced into thin pieces to facilitate drying.

a couple of. Cigarette smoking

Smoking is another important approach of food upkeep. Formerly, after the particular hunt, hunters used to smoke large amounts of the particular meat for much easier transport home, and even also to preserve it. It was basically common to smoke game meat, while domestic animals had been often consumed fresh after slaughtering.

Using tobacco fish is even now an essential method associated with preserving fish, used all over typically the continent.

3. Salting

Salt was often used on foodstuffs in order to conserve them, in conjunction with sun-drying in addition to smoking. Many fisherman generously salt fish before sun-drying or perhaps smoking it, to further improve typically the chances that it will not decay. Salting has been also applied in order to certain vegetables during the sun-drying process.

4. Using extra fat

A few residential areas used fat aid food. These were mainly communities that herded animals, these kinds of as nomadic areas. For example, among the list of Somali, when a new camel was killed, area of the meat was cooked in good levels of fat plus salt. It was then stored for future use. Typically the meat remained suitable for human consumption because of the large amounts associated with fat in which often it absolutely was cooked and even stored, and the particular salt.

Many portions of Africa still do not have the particular necessary electrical system necessary for suffered refridgeration. Traditional methods of food preservation continue to play a vital role in keeping foodstuff edible for hundreds of thousands of people.

These kinds of methods, such while sun-drying, smoking, salting and using body fat, have not simply stood the test of time : they are also inexpensive and even sustainable without requiring too much power.
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