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What do you believe is the greatest challenge for a CEO when implementing change?

To compete in the changing environments, organizations need to change continuously to increase their competitiveness in the market. As the leader of the organization, CEO plays an important role in the change. In implementing changes of the organization, CEO may face below challenges

Recruiting the right person – CEO is to oversees the operation of the organization, and they are not expected to roll their sleeves to implement the change. Therefore, he/she needs to recruit someone to implement the change. However, it is difficult to tell who is the right person to help implementing the change.
Handling resistance to the change – all changes may come with resistance. Sometimes, resistance comes from executives which project manager is unable to manage. As the sponsor of the change initiative, CEO may need to manage resistance to understand concerns from the executes who resist the change.
Empowering employees to participate the change – employees feel powerless and feel that they are unable to help in implementing the change. However, without their assistance, the implementation of change may not be success. Therefore, CEO need to empower employees to participate in the implementation of change.
Best timing to announce wins – if CEO announce short-term wins too soon, it will deteriorate the momentum of employees in implementing the change. It is hard to rebuild the momentum of employees it is lost. Therefore, CEO need to think about when is the best time to declare short-term wins to increase the morale of employees to continue the change instead of destroying it.


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Regards; Team

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