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Find the best root canals treatment at Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist
Root canals are done when the pulp on your tooth becomes infected by bacteria. This can happen if you have a severe cavity, have suffered from a lesion, have loose fillings, or suffer some gum disease.

Your dentists in Seattle’s Capitol Hill may be able to do a root canal treatment in one session depending of the severity of the case, sometimes it can take more than one session.

Sometimes the tooth is too far gone and your Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist will suggest an extraction instead.

What happens during a root canal treatment?

You’ll be given a local anesthetic or an alternative if for some reason you cannot take a local anesthetic. Then your Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist will isolate the tooth with layer of rubber to protect the surrounding teeth and you from swallowing anything involved with the treatment.

After that, the procedure will start with your dentist drilling in your tooth. They will then be able to extract all the dead or diseased pulp and inject a liquid that will clean the pulp cavity. A temporal filling will be placed on your tooth. Then an X-ray is taken to better evaluate the result and see if any more work is needed. That is basically all, but these simple steps can take hours of works or as said before, even more than one session.

After a few days you will return to see the dentist, the temporal filling will be removed and a permanent one put in its place. The tooth will then be sealed to prevent future damage or infection. If there is risk of breaking, the dentist in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist will suggest placing a dental crown over the tooth.

What to expect after the root canals.

You can go home almost immediately after the treatment, if given local anesthetics. It may take some hours before you regain full sensation in the area.

After the anesthetic has lost it effect you could feel some discomfort. You can take analgesics to alleviate the pain but as with every medication you should talk to your dentist before taking anything.

You could also feel some discomfort when brushing the tooth in the next days after the procedure. It is expected and it should only last a few days. If you experience severe pain or notice that the initial discomfort is growing, go see your dentist.

Post treatment care.

You’ll need to see your dentist in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist after a year; they will take an X-ray to check the evolution of the treatment. There will likely be more controls and you dentist will explain them to you.

You’ll need to take care of the tooth like you do with the others; you should floss and brush it regularly.

Are you in need of root canals?

If you need a consult to see if you are in need of a root canal treatment or need one done, come visit us at Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist. We have the best dentists in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist and the most affordable prices.

We at Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist have a commitment to excellence and have been proving so since 1987.

We are known in the community as trustworthy dentist in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Dentist. You’ll be pleased and keep coming back to us after you have experience our care and affordable prices.

Seattle's Capitol Hill Dentist
1830 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122
United States
(206) 283-9278
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