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Should I Rent Mail List For a Gay Pastor?
Two weeks ago I was talking with pastor bob from Portland OR about the need to rent mail list members. We had talked about how I could grow my list and he said "I am sure we can work that out". I asked him one point, "So when did you get your list?" He said "about a week ago". This caught me off guard because I had just gotten my first email list and I didn't know where it was. So I was a little puzzled because I just thought that might be a mistake.

I went back over everything he told me and now I understand what he meant by going back. I went back because I realized something and that is pastor bob is only a new member and the only time that he has ever donated or joined any group was at our Christmas Dinner. So he was a november gift and so were my two lists.

Now I understand that this is a simple faith issue but I also recognize that he got caught up in the excitement of being a new member and did not take the time to check his list because he was excited to be a member and so he didn't bother to go back and check on his list. This is a mistake and I have to say to every pastor bob that I have talked to since then, do not make this mistake. Go back and check your list on a regular basis. If you make it a habit to check your list once a month, three times a month, or every other month, then you will see the tremendous difference that it can make to your volunteer work. It is amazing how quickly God can draw you to Him and how much more you will be drawn to Him.

I have another problem and that is I am a new member and I really don't know where to go get my november gift. So I look around and I see nobody is doing the same thing. There are some amazing resources out there for new members and they are doing the best they can to encourage us to get started now. One of them is Bob Jones who is doing an amazing series of CD's called "I'm Gay Christian and You're Not." He has spoken to over one thousand people in the past two and a half years and is getting thousands of calls each week asking him what he has to say.

I checked it out and I have to say that it is awesome. He has had over one thousand calls and has only been doing it about a year. I personally went back and bought the first two issues because they were the ones that spoke to me and helped me the most. If I hadn't gone back and gotten those two issues, I doubt that I would have felt that same sense of excitement that I felt when I looked at the price of the book.

He has done more with the november gifts, thank you notes, and even the thank you notes for those who were really understanding and helpful. The key was going back and ordering those items that I felt he could change or that I needed. rent a list ordered Bob's first two books, which were the ones that spoke to me the best. Those are by far and away my favorite of all the things he has given me.

On the other hand, I am totally with our members family on this issue. I personally believe that we should stay away from giving money to the gay people that our Pastor is going to help. I personally don't care what color their skin is or how much they make. It doesn't matter. As long as they are being good and following the guidelines that we as a family and community are asking of them, then I don't really care.

I want to make one point clear though. mailing list rental don't think that we should be giving money to someone who only cares about one point only. And I certainly don't think that it is a good idea to give money to a gay Christian organization, which according to my research is against the church's policy on homosexuality. It just doesn't make sense to me. So, please take that in consideration.
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