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Which philosopher of the Enlightenment most influenced Thomas Jefferson when drafting the Declaration of Independence? Locke

What effect did the success of the American Revolution have internationally? The American Revolution inspired other countries to declare independence.

American leaders sought to draft the Constitution as a new plan of government. Why had the previous plan failed?It created a confederation with weak central power.

The Boston Tea Party was the first major act of defiance by the colonists. What were the colonists protesting?taxation without representation

Montesquieu outlined a system of checks and balances that would prevent one branch of government from dominating the others. Which would be an example of checks and balances between branches?The Supreme Court determines the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress

Which statement best explains why taxation without representation was a major issue for the colonists?The colonists equated a lack of representation with a lack of consent to be ruled.The concept of having three branches of government—executive, judicial, and legislative—was introduced by Montesquieu. What term describes this type of governmental system?separation of powers
The Constitution was inspired by the English Bill of Rights. Both documents limit the power of the executive branch. Which is an example of limited power in the United States?The executive branch is prohibited from suspending laws at will.
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