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Prophet Yusuf was the son of Prophet Yakub. He had eleven brothers, and his youngest brother's name was Benyamin. They lived in Palestine. When Prophet Yusuf was a little boy, he had a strange dream in which he saw the sun, moon, and eleven stars bow down to him. Prophet Yusuf told his father about his dream, and his father told Prophet Yusuf not to tell his dream to anyone else, because Prophet Yakub already knew that his son was already chosen by Allah.

Ever since Prophet Yusuf was little, all of his brothers except Benyamin were jealous of him. Why? Because Prophet Yusuf was granted a handsome face and they thought that their father loved Prophet Yusuf more. One day, they came up with a plan to get rid of Prophet Yusuf forever. This story is written in Surah Yusuf verses 9 and 10. (baca ayatnya) One said 'Kill Yusuf or banish him to another land, and your father’s attention will turn to you.'. And another one said, 'Do not kill Yusuf, but, if you must, throw him into a well where some caravan may pick him up.’.

The brothers pretended to take Prophet Yusuf to go sheepherding, but in reality, they threw him into a well. They went home and told their father that Prophet Yusuf had been eaten by wolves. They brought Prophet Yusuf clothes that has been stained by blood. Shocked to hear the news, Prophet Yakub kept on crying until his eyes went blind.

Meanwhile, Prophet Yusuf was not afraid at all because he knew Allah will help him. He kept on praying until a group of travelers stopped by the well. When the travelers lifted up the water bucket, Prophet Yusuf also came up, holding on to the rope. They took Prophet Yusuf to Egypt and sold him as a slave to the prime minister, Azis.

Azis sent Prophet Yusuf to prison for some reason. In prison, Prophet Yusuf was always able to interpret dreams correctly. One day, The King of Egypt had a dream and nobody could interpret it. The King’s servant asked Prophet Yusuf to interpret the King’s dream. Prophet Yusuf interpreted the King's dream, that for the next seven years the land would be prosperous, but for seven years after that, there would be famine.

The king freed Prophet Yusuf from prison and asked Prophet Yusuf to work for him. Prophet Yusuf was put in charge of managing food in Egypt so that he could prepare for the famine. Finally, Egypt has stored more than enough food for the famine.

Palestine also suffered famine. Prophet Yusuf's brother went to Egypt because they knew that Egypt gave food to the people. Prophet Yusuf recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. Prophet Yusuf asked them to bring their younger brother along next time, or they would not receive any more food. The brothers convinced their father to let Benyamin travel with them to Egypt. Prophet Yakub was hesitant at first, but after some time he agreed. The brothers returned to Egypt with Benyamin.

Prophet Yusuf deliberately framed Benyamin so that Benyamin would be arrested and not return to Palestine. The brothers returned to Egypt for the third time. They met Prophet Yusuf and finally knew who he was. Prophet Yusuf gave them his shirt and ask them to cast it over the face of Prophet Yakub. The brothers did what Prophet Yusuf told them to, and Prophet Yakub's eyesight returned. Then, the family reunited and becomes whole again.

He was betrayed by his brothers, sold as a slave, and unjustly imprisoned. But Prophet Yusuf knew by simply focusing on being the best he could be, treating people right and with respect, doing more than what was requested that Allah would take care of him. Through constant patience and remembrance of Allah, Prophet Yusuf was successful in all of life’s tests and got abundant rewards for his patience. May Allah’s peace be upon him.
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