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Steam Name:CheesusGamer
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Your units family members (Children/Mother/Father/Brother/Sister): A mother, a father and a sister.

How does Civil Protection work in HL2? How does it work on the server?
Civil protection is assigned by Breen to ensure civil activity within the city. They are the spine of the city as they maintain order. In server they are the ones who maintain order and give re educations to citizens. They are not transhuman. They remain synonymous so that they are not targeted by anyone.

What purpose does Civil Protection serve in a governmental manner? How are these purposes fulfilled in Half-Life 2? In the server?
They are the police force and the reminder of what uncivil action will cause. In HL we see that they maintain order by power and this still applies but with more responsibility

What is your OOC motivation for joining Civil Protection?
I mainly want to improve my roleplay further and sail to new adventures of a cp(no minging tho). Also maybe become a cremator one day.

What kind of roleplay do you expect to find in the Civil Protection and/or be willing to perform in the CP?
PassiveRP with officers when off duty breaktime but mainly patrolling and ensuring the order of city and civilians

Explain what you think/know a robocop is, and why it is good/bad and how you will react to this phenomenon: A robocop does what is said with no emotion. Like a robot. Civil Protection is not transhuman ir robot, they are just people in suits and they do have emotions too but not highly impacting their job. And they fear too. Robocoping is bad.

Why should you be entrusted with a whitelist as important as this?
I have been a roleplayer on a semi serious roleplay sever and Ive found the meaning of roleplay on this server. I wouldnt risk losing privilage of playing on a such server. I also understand why It id hard to trust people becouse of minges.

How does the Universal Union work in a governmental manner in HL2?
The Benefactors AKA UU is an empire that is intergalactic and has spread over multiple realms. They control what shall be done and they are the greater force. Also they assimilate every planet they encounter.

How does the Dispatch Overvoice work via CP-based communication?
Dispatch is an AI in the Citadel which controls cameras and scanners meanwhile giving orders to CP units. It is the spine of the city.

A CP in your assigned protection-team has been libelled as 'autonomous' by Dispatch, and you've been ordered to carry out the revocation of his civil status. What do you do?
I would radio 10-4 and then make sure are is clear of any possible 10-107 to make sure I wont get interrupted after that I would radio for backup of other CPs while commanding the individual to face the wall and keep him on my aim. After backup arrives I would ziptie him and take him to Nexus for amputation.

Someone requests that there is an armed individual located in areas of high anticivil activity. Do you ask Dispatch permission to respond? If yes, how?
I would ask confirmation from dispatch. After confirmation is given I would ask for a backup. After backup is here and PT is established I would radio 10-97 and move in.

You're conversing with a citizen when Dispatch says; 'YOURTAGLINE-9, cease 19 with 10-91d, avoid 99.' What do you do?
I would tell the citizen to move first. If he doesn't collaborate I would give him a warning and ask if he wants a re education. If he still is not collaborating I would radio 10-91d is 10-103. After that I would tell him to face the wall and take him to a non occupied place to re educate.

Awaiting your designation to a given patrol-team by Dispatch, a blueshirted citizen decidedly approaches you and says, 'Hello officer, how do you do?' How do you respond to this?
I would tell the citizen to move back off and remind him CP is not their friend. If he doesn't collaborate I would radio 10-6 by 10-91d causing 10-103 to officer. After that I would get the citizen to face the wall and follow the re education procedure. After I am done I would radio 10-12, code 100.

Having been assigned to remain at a city-based checkpoint with a few other armed units (likewise yourself), one individual armed with an MP7 and a typical rebel uniform opens fire on your position. What do you do to try to apprehend him?
I would take cover and radio 10-98 and ask for backup. After that me and the units would use flanking tactis by while others suppress the rebel with cover fire we would attack the suspect to disable it. If its not possible to disable the suspect We would use lethal force and kill the suspect.

On your first day as a CP, a lone citizen runs up to you with a weapon in his hand - a stunstick that he had taken from another unit. He'd attempt to hit you; how do you respond to this?
I would radio in 11-99 by 647E. After that I would take my stunstick out and engage the anti-citizen. If I could pacify the target I would with my stun stick, if I cant I would hold him on until backup arrives. After pacifying him I would take him to nexus for amputation

After having been called to a given location by Dispatch, you come across a single blueshirted individual who's been chosen for a random re-education. As you try to apprehend him, the man resists your attempts to tie and restrain him by turning around in an attempt to punch you in the face.
What's your reaction?
I would approach citizen with care so when he hits me I would take out my stunstick so I would pacify the individual and take him to nexus for amputation.

Have you read all Civil Protection related guidelines available to you on the forums? Will you read them on a constant basis, so as to ensure that you're doing the best you can if whitelisted?
Yes I did and I will keep reading them again.

How long have you been roleplaying? Sum up your experience.
For 4 years I have been roleplaying not just on Gmod but also other games. I have been roleplaying on Gmod for 3 years and I roleplayed on other HL2RP servers too.

Have you had any experience roleplaying as a CP? If so, sum up such experience(s).
I did not had the chance to RP a CP but I roleplayed similiar roles where we were brutal officers.(Dictators etc. )



APPLICANT NAME: ..........................
IDENTIFICATION DIGITS: .............................
D-O-B: .............
PHYSICAL TRAITS: ......................
RELOCATED FROM: ......................

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: ..........................
RACE: ........................
PAST OCCUPATION: ...............................
CONVICTED FELONIES: ....................................


SIGNATURE: .................... DATE: ........................

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