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Building Opt-In Lists For Email List Rental
The decision to rent email lists can actually be one of your most successful business decisions that a small marketer could ever make. It can also be one of your most expensive. Without buy emails address how these leads were initially gathered, cultivated and then ultimately in some cases beaten to email submission, it is hard to know if your investment will yield any tangible ROI at all. However, by making use of an email management service you will be able to ensure that all of this is handled for you.

Let's assume that you have an account with Twitter and Facebook - perhaps even with Google+. Once these social networks have been set up and a great deal of people begin to regularly use them, it is important that you are able to keep track of who is engaging with your brand. If you are a business owner with several websites it can sometimes be difficult to get an even glance at what is on the website of each individual site. For example, let's say that you have three separate Twitter accounts that have followers; if you used an email list rental vs buying an list, which would work best?

In the above scenario, it would almost certainly be easier to understand if one option was easier than the other; after all, if you were to buy email lists, you would obviously want to buy the highest-quality lists possible in order to maximize your return on investment. However, in social media there is no end to cost - so much more to consider than the landing page you are using. For business email lists , you might have heard about Facebook's "Like" feature; do you use it? How does "Like" work? How much should you pay for each "Like" and how many people should you expect to gain from it?

If you are like most business owners, and you are not using Facebook, or have not personally set up your own Facebook account, then chances are good that you are probably using twitter, or some other Twitter-like site. This is alright as long as you understand how to use it properly - and if not, well, you're better off paying for a list rental versus buying an email list. In order to use twitter to its maximum advantage, you must be actively interested in what others have to say about your business/services. That means taking every post seriously and treating it as a public place where others can comment for you; a place to build your reputation by replying to posts and re-tweeting relevant information as well.

The same goes for twitter - treat it like a public place where others can comment for you. If you want to get ahead of the game, consider renting a list from a company that specializes in list rental versus buying an email list. This way, you will get immediate results from your marketing efforts. You may even notice that others are now talking about you, and considering you for their business! Not bad, right?

What if you just aren't that twitter friendly, though? That's ok - there are other options to consider as well. Consider using LinkedIn, facebook, or any number of other social networking sites to share this episode with the world. In fact, once you see the results, I'm sure you'll be hooked. Just like the way those that were mentioned above, you can also rent email lists from companies who specialize in list rental versus buying an email list.

For instance, if you have a golf magazine subscription, you can contact the head writer and ask them to put a link in the upcoming issue so that golfers in your area will be able to get access. Of course, you have to make sure that the content is good, but hey, think about how many people would check out your email list rental versus buying the magazine itself? Not many, I can assure you. But hey, if you have the budget, it's definitely cheaper to rent than buy. And the funny thing is, people actually read golf magazines anyway - so you're getting exposure in a very unique way.

Another great option is Facebook, which is another excellent method for list building. If you have a Facebook page already set up, why not use it to create an opt-in email list? You can put a message on your wall that says " Want to get access to our free stuff? Just go to our website and put in a request to be notified." As you spread your brand through social media outlets, you can share great information with your fan base and hopefully they will spread the word.
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