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SEO Audits You Can Conduct Yourself
Conducting Your Own SEO Audit

When you begin your own SEO audit, you should keep a few things in mind. Don't let all the learning you missed the first time overwhelm you. Even though you may not see them as often as other people, some of these things are important and should be considered during your audit. Right now is a great time to consider what makes your search engine optimization work. We are embarking on a long journey and many details will be missed. It is a long journey and you may not even be able to see them all on your own. In making an SEO audit, everyone should understand the following basics.

The first thing you need to understand is how search engines work. You need to understand how the search engines rank certain sites and why they drop them. You will be better prepared for the next part of the audit if you understand this. A variety of SEO Audit tools are available that provide you with daily reports based on a few fairly simple questions over time as your skills in SEO improve. These are ok. They will give you some good insight

It may not be obvious if your website has been penalized by Google for ranking violations unless you've done an SEO audit in the past. This is the first step. A penalty can be severe, so you should find out how severe it was and whether you have strong results from the audits of your website.

You should then examine your site's performance in relation to what you had previously expected. Google conducts an on-page audit regularly, and they will alert you if any changes are made to your site. An on-page audit can be used to see how various elements are applied on your page, such as SEO. If the health check shows that your site needs some improvement, you might need to make some changes to it to boost your rankings.

An off-page SEO audit will reveal your current ranking if you do it yourself. You can simply enter a search term into Google. Off-page SEO audits can be found in a number of blogs. In general, the results of these audits aren't as reliable as those from on-page audits, but it can still be useful in giving you a sense of where you stand. Perhaps now is the perfect time to make some changes if you feel like your rankings are not improving.

Next, visit competitors' websites. Learn what they're doing to improve their rankings. As soon as you discover where your competitors are emphasizing their efforts, you can begin making your own adjustments. Suppose that you notice that the majority of your competitors have moved their links to new domains. You might consider doing the same. These off-page audits can help you understand how you can improve your ranking position by using first-hand knowledge. Once you have gathered this first knowledge, you can incorporate it into the actual SEO audit.

Once you have performed the off-page SEO audit, you can start working on your on-page audit. As part of your on-page audit, you will need to collect all the information pertaining to your site that you can. Puget Sound Marketing Solutions will also need to conduct keyword research for each page on your site. This will let you identify the keywords your customers are searching for when searching for your product.

Performing your own website audit and keyword research will help you see what problems your customers are experiencing when trying to find what they are looking for. This information can be used to make adjustments to your site. An example is if your customer finds your main navigation too difficult to use, but they don't know where to go next, a health check on your homepage could help. Once you collect the health check information and analyze it, you can generate a report in which you can identify areas that need improvement on your website.

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