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Comparing Two Different Kinds of Computer Printers
Computer Printers have come a long way since their humble beginnings as a home printer for Dad. Today's Laser jet printers are comparable to desktop or even laptop printers. But the one common thread in all of the latest models is that they are all Laser jet printers. This is because the ink that is used in them is all going through a single colored ink pad which is the source of the "ink" that is displayed on your computer monitor.

No. 27900: LCD PRINTS. All dot matrix computer printers are derived from the very same technology that came out of laser printers. In essence, laser based color printers are dot matrix printers that have been adapted to operate using a laser instead of an ink cartridge.

No. 28300: MATRIX PRINTS. This sounds a little strange because the inkjet printer we know and love was not really adapted to print on paper. In fact, the original inkjet cartridges were bulky and heavy, requiring that a special device be installed to attach to the printer itself (or even be plugged into a USB port). Later developments refined the design of the ink-jet cartridge to make it more compact and more lightweight so that computer printers could now use standard ink cartridges.

Computer printers that use LED technology are the most up-to-date of all the models available. A light emitting diode or LED, as it is also known, is basically a semiconductor which produces light when an electric current passes through it. These devices are found in almost all modern digital cameras and printers. LEDs can produce colors as bright as red, blue and green. To achieve this kind of color, laser light is used instead of regular ink.

No. 5: typewriter and fax modem combinations. The invention of the modem has forever changed the way we do things today, but nothing beats the combination of a home computer printer and a home fax modem. For many people, typing information into a sheet of paper and then sending it over a postal service just doesn't cut it any more - at least not if they want a professional level of printing quality.

No. 7: Dot matrix and LED computer printers. For years, computers and printers were strictly separated, with dot matrix printers being used for black and white text printing and LED ones being used for color printing. Thanks to advances in technology and the availability of affordable home printing equipment, printer companies have been able to combine these two very different types of printers into the following list of popular types of printers:

One: laser and ink-jet. While the technology that goes into either type of printer has actually existed for decades, today's laser printers are considered the babies of the two. For one thing, they only require one laser beam instead of the two required by dot-matrix printers. They also use a much smaller laser jet nozzle than dot-matrix printers, which means that you don't have to worry about an overly hot printer burning everything out, which is common with older laser printers. Plus, laser and ink-jet home printers can print in various resolutions, including Hi-DPI, low resolution, printing in full color and using CMYK color systems - making them ideal for home decor.

Two: dot-matrix and LED. These two types of computer printers have slightly different features, but both perform similarly when it comes to performance - especially in terms of speed. You can either opt for a computer printer with a color laser or one with an LED, or a combination of the two depending on your needs. Some inkjet models can also perform well in both ink-jet and dot-matrix roles, while some of the newer generation LED models are superior to their dot-matrix and laser counterparts when it comes to speed and color printing.

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