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Reverse flow of the main sewer line
Main Sewer Line Back Ups
Backing up of waste water in your home indicates that the main sewer line has clogged. If a main sewer line becomes clogged, it needs to be taken care of immediately. Your family's health and safety are at risk from clogged pipes and wastewater backup due to bacteria found in your home's wastewater.

You should shut off the main water line to your home the moment you notice water accumulating in your home. This may temporarily make daily operations difficult. If the problem is found and solved as soon as possible, you can get on with your busy schedule.

Locating the Water Main
The main water shut-off valve does not have a standard location in a residential building. You should locate the main shut off valve near your water meter where the meter is located. Water lines usually enter a house through a hole in the foundation in cold climates. The water meter is at the end of the pipe. Then, once you've located the shutoff valve, you can shut it off.

It is possible for the water meter to be outside in warm climates. Meters are commonly located near outside faucets. You can also turn off the water at your street meter if your home's shut off valve isn't helping. Your yard will be near the street. It is necessary to have a crescent wrench and screwdriver. Turn off the main water supply valve with the crescent wrench after lifting the ground cover with the screwdriver.

Your Options
In any plumbing repair project in your home, look for the source of the problem first. Most people can clear their drains of hair, but removing tree roots from their sewer line is a completely different story. Water may come up from a manhole near your home, in which case the city might be liable for repairs. is best to verify the details with your city officials, since every city and situation is different.

Do not try to use liquid drain cleaners if there is standing water. Corrosive in nature, they may result in injury or more damage. If you want to avoid costly or harmful events, it is best to use a professional sewer cleaning service if you have a blockage in your main sewer line. You'll know exactly what to expect and can expect reasonable plumbing services from Drain Rooter Plumbing.

Hiring a Specialist
Drain Rooter Plumbing offers the best services in the industry. We won't charge you an arm and a leg for it. Our prices are affordable.

For an inspection of what caused the clog, the technician inserts a camera into the pipes. The whole pipe can be broken or crushed, and we sometimes discover foreign objects like toy cars, dentures, and pacifiers. Additionally, thirsty tree roots often cause clogs.

Depending on whether there is a cleanout pipe, your technician might try to find the clog using a snake or cable. When all is needed, this can suffice. By breaking through the clog, the cable allows water to flow again. But that is not all we do.

In the event of tree roots, you may have to replace the entire pipe. Hydroscrubbing can sometimes be used to remove roots temporarily, saving money, but it's not always the most effective long-term solution.

Hydroscrubbing helps clear drain clogs in a gentle and efficient manner. A HydroScrub consists of a high-pressure hose attached to a large water tank. Located at the clean out, the machine pressurizes and controls water flow. Through pressure created in the drain, the nozzle pulls itself through the pipe.

Many common problems are resolved with HydroScrub. The product effectively cleans grease, oil, hair, mineral buildup, and some tree roots. If, however, the problem is roots, the HydroScrub will only work to restore water flow until the roots grow back. As a result, you might imagine the typical mess that ensues if your technician finds that your lawn's pipes need to be replaced. This would be like an excavator digging up your entire lawn, cutting down the rose bushes, and leaving you with a muddy puddle until the grass grows back.

Your bushes are safe, good news. Because Drain Rooter Plumbing offers trenchless sewer line repair, we won't have to dig up your lawn.

Trenchless Sewer Line Repair
Using our trenchless sewer line replacement system, we can achieve three types of repairs. The old pipe can be replaced with a completely new one without digging in your yard. Drain Rooter Plumbing uses a flexible epoxy liner that's inflated to the diameter of the pipe. To maintain the cast's shape, air pressure is used. It cures into a brand-new pipe after it is applied.

You can coat your old pipes to rehabilitate their condition if they are still intact. It is our latest technology and conditions have to be right to use it. The technician will be able to recommend the options that will work best for your current problems and about the importance of preventive maintenance.

Routine Maintenance, Repairs, and Emergency Plumbing Services

Drain Rooter Plumbing promises to deliver homeowners prompt and expert plumbing services at affordable prices. Many plumbing issues can be diagnosed and treated with the same day.

You can request a free estimate from your nearest Drain Rooter if you have problems with your main sewer line in your home!

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