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Case studies of Internet marketing success.
Success stories of internet marketing

In the world of internet marketing today, one of the first success stories comes from Google. It was the first free internet email service available to the general public when it launched in late 1996. Despite that it attracted a not so groundbreaking 500000 subscribers by early 1996, by the end of that year the service had already emerged as one of the most common internet communication tools being used all over the world by people.

In the following years, internet marketing success stories began to dominate. The launch of Yahoo! in 2021 was a thrilling moment when it instantly became one of the most widely used search engines on the internet. Three years later, Google's popularity explosion abruptly ended as everyone began seeking the best SEO companies. What exactly happened then?

Microsoft is a notable internet marketing success story. As part of the partnership, they partnered up with District 9 to make their ecommerce website the go-to place for customers. The partnership was designed to give Microsoft Internet Explorer a leg up on other browsers by incorporating their new browser into the already popular YAHoos ecommerce software. D9's website received a lot of traffic as a result.

On Hannibal BBQ Sauce is another online marketing success story. A company created a video game to educate children about BBQ sauce history. All children enjoyed playing this game because it pitted their hot dogs against each other. As you can imagine, this game has gained a lot of popularity. On Hannibal BBQ Sauce became one of the hottest businesses online very soon.

Youtube is a good example of online marketing that actually became popular. A lot of people were using the site for everything, from music to video tutorials. It wasn't long after YouTube started allowing anyone with a camera and editing skills to make a video that something special was required. The digital marketing and SEO strategies started competing in 2021 in an effort to tap into more consumers. Digital marketing uses SEO to help maximize the advertising opportunities for videos on YouTube.

Google was another digital marketing story that gained a lot of popularity on the internet. It was once again up to Google to provide something unique to its users, something that would set it apart from the rest of the internet. What was the outcome? This is SEO.

A key goal of SEO is to rank your keywords high in search results. As your ranking rises, more likely it will be that someone searching for what you offer will click on your site. This is really as easy as pie. Internet users usually just search for things they are specifically looking for, not items already on their list. In the first few pages of a search engine's results, your website will appear to a lot of potential customers. Among the most impressive Internet marketing stories on the web involves Google's growth, and how this simple plan has become one of the most successful online businesses ever.

Therefore, the SEO campaigns of YouTube and Google provide a great example of Internet marketing success stories. Both companies decided early on to focus on SEO in order to make sure that their websites received the majority of hits. The business continued to stick to its guns, despite criticism from their competitors, and accelerated efforts to make sure it got the best search engine rankings. If you're ready to make a move into internet marketing, now is the time to get started with an SEO campaign of your own. Make sure your site ranks well in search engines is only a small part of internet marketing.

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