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The Best Private Investigation Services are Right Here

Welcome to Grey Ghost! You're in for one of the most exciting adventures you'll ever experience. We are a Private Investigator Fort Lauderdale agency that specializes in surveillance, and we serve Miami-Dade County as well as all throughout Broward County (if needed).
Welcome to the world of surveillance. With our vast knowledge and expertise in this area, we are able provide you with quality service. Whether it’s cheating on your partner or business rival with an outsider - if they are watching what's going down behind closed doors then there is always room for suspicion when dealing with someone new into town. Welcome back friends, here at Grey Ghost Investigations (a licensed private investigating agency specializing exclusively on all things related),we have made it our mission not just be another face in crowd but rather stand out from others by offering only some valuable services while still maintaining high standards among competitors who offer many varied investigatory methods including infidelity cases whether divorce mediation/settlement negotiations etc
Unexpected Things That Happen to Your Kids: Private Investigation
Private investigators are often hired to track down a missing person or gather evidence in a legal case. Sometimes, they're just called to do some surveillance of an individual. But did you know that private investigators also get calls from parents of grown children who want to find out what their kids are up to? Parents hire private detectives for these types of investigations all the time, and it's not always because they suspect something is wrong.
Child Support Investigations: We have the resources to locate a parent who may be evading debt or failing in their obligation as a caregiver. Grey Ghost Investigations - Private Investigator Fort Lauderdale will look into employment records, family documents and more--so you can rest assured knowing that your child's needs are met no matter what happens. We conduct thorough background checks on all those we hire before they come knocking at our front door with subpoena powers inside of them.
Child Custody Investigations: At the criminal justice agency, we investigate custody disputes between parents. These cases often involve one parent who has full acknowledgement of their rights to care for and discipline children while maintaining contact via frequent visits or overnight stays in an effort at preserving family relationships through reunification efforts when possible--and potentially seeking fitness proceedings where necessary. We're committed not only getting information needed prove neglect/abuse but also gathering evidence supporting shared parenting plans designed by professionals so both involved parties can thrive after separation from one another too. Child custody investigations happen to be our second most common type following infidelity-related matters because people are fighting much harder than average over how kids should live out life after being deprived.
Business Investigations: A friend or family member who you trusted to work for your company without a Non-Compete Agreement has opened up shop just down the street from where they were employed. Grey Ghost Investigations - Private Investigator Fort Lauderdale are not alone in this instance, have often faced with these types of violations across America! Grey Ghost Investigations - Private Investigator Fort Lauderdale will help gather any evidence needed and may even testify on behalf if needed so that justice can prevail against them at court proceedings.
We have a reputation for being more personalized and dedicated to our clients. We offer one-on-one attention that larger private investigation agencies can't always provide due their large staffs or other commitments in the field, so you'll get personal service from start to finish with us.

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