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7 Ways to Rent a Mailing List
Renting your mailing list is an awesome strategy to optimize profits from mailing list rental . But if you do it wrong, your mailing list could be just as annoying as your customers! That's why a few simple tips will make sure your list rental is effective and valuable to you. In this article we will discuss 5 tips that are sure to make your mailing list more sale-able. So without further delay, let's jump right into them...

- Think like your customer: Understand your target audience and tailor your mailing list rental strategy to them. Don't target teenagers for a list full of medical marketing material. Your list might have great demographics but if they are young people with disposable income, they won't read your sales letter. Learn how to target your message to a group of potential, touring buyers.

- Make sure your list is timely: Create your signup/subscribe form right when your subscribers subscribe to your list. Don't wait for later and hope your potential subscribers will remember to register or respond. Give them something tangible to motivate them to respond now. Give them an incentive. They will appreciate the gesture.

- Put them first in your mailing: Keep in mind who you want to target. If your list is mostly composed of elderly people, don't send them baby shower invitations or holiday greetings. Similarly, send out your promotional mailings first so your subscribers can register or respond more readily. This will avoid the hassle of having to encourage inactive members to return to your list.

- Mail to them at work: One thing you must keep in mind about your market: they seldom come home to read your mailing. If you have scheduled your mailings for work only, then make sure you give them plenty of advance notice. Don't simply pop the news in an email; leave a voice mail and a short piece of literature for them to read. In addition, schedule your mailings during business hours so they can better respond.

- Keep your mailing list current: While it is tempting to continuously send new announcements to your target market, this strategy rarely works. Why? Simply because people tend to forget that you exist. Instead of constantly reminding them to subscribe to your mailing list, why not ask them to visit your official website? Make sure you provide all the relevant information they need to register or react.

- Think out of the box: Think of ways to reach your target market. What kinds of promotions do you currently have? Has there been significant response so far? Could business email lists do something differently? Are there other organizations or companies offering the same target product that you do? By thinking out of the box, you can come up with innovative ideas that will get you more responses.

- Keep your mailing list up to date: As mentioned earlier, it is a good idea to keep your target market informed about what is happening in your company. Subscribe to industry-related mailing lists to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in your target market. This will help you to make timely announcements about the upcoming events, products and promotions.

- Use your mailing list like an advertising tool: Instead of sending out mass emails to all your contacts, create an email distribution list and use it as a powerful advertising tool. Mailing the list once per month will allow you to properly compare the performance of your mailing list against your other advertising campaigns. If you think the response rate on your mailing list is satisfactory, then expand the mailing list immediately. It might be just what you need to boost your sales and productivity.

- Send your mailing list only to those who have requested for such: Opting in to receive your mailing list is simply a preference of yours. Therefore, if someone doesn't want to receive your emails, don't send it to them. If you are targeting to a certain group of people, just use your discretion to whom you will send it to.

- Test drive your mailing list: As you have now received several complaints about your mailing list, it is time to do some tests to see whether or not your subscribers are really interested in your products and services. You can do this by sending out test emails to your list and tracking the results. You will probably find that some of your subscribers don't really respond, but some actually love getting your emails. This is your valuable data which you can use to improve your marketing strategies.
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