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Energy Medicine - A Quick Take On A Deep Subject
What is energy medicine?
A controversial branch of Holistic Medicine which acknowledges the presence and influence of invisible and variably measurable forces upon or physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health.
What would you mean by "invisible forces"?
A force is any influence that provokes change. The visible influence or force of your respective hand squeezing on an aluminum can provokes changing your the contour in the can. The invisible force of gravity causes you to fall down in case you step off a rooftop. Other invisible forces could include common ones like electricity and magnetism plus the well-known "psychological forces" of guilt, shame, anger, pleasure, etc. Other less understood forces might include those who various holistic traditions have known as life force, vital force, prana, chi, innate intelligence, spirit yet others.
What are some samples of energy medicine?
From the typical whole world of medicine you can consider diagnostic studies such as the EKG, EEG and MRI as samples of energy medicine diagnostic techniques.
From the choice and holistic world examples could include homeopathy, Reiki, NAET, acupuncture/acupressure, Emotional Freedom Technique, Tai Chi / Chi Gong, positive intention, prayer among a great many others.
Is these things real?
A qualified yes will be the answer as some types of energy can be measured and demonstrated and others are certainly not.
Consider a routine EKG or heart tracing. How would placing electrodes on your own arms, legs and chest tell us something about the health of your heart?
The response is found by realizing that the center has cells that become automatic batteries as well as other cells that act like electrical wires to conduct electrical information about how it must function. depends upon electrical properties. That electrical signature is refined by referencing the electrical field that is also measurable inside arms, legs and generated across the chest - of course this offers some distance from the physical heart itself.
Consider the MRI scan which constructs a picture in our body based on manipulation of its magnetic properties.
Other forms of energy medicine including the holistic examples noted above are less tangible but detectable and measurable in their own individual way. They are shown to work on a more subtle electro-magnetic level in a way that current conventional ways of measurement are less consistent.
While the complete mechanisms by which they work are certainly not clearly understood, the results in the techniques will often be pointed to as the proof their existence and efficacy.
How Can Energy Medicine Help Me?
With present day knowning that energy underlies all matter, it's possible to then consider many illnesses, which are material and tangible states of dysfunction, being influenced or else dictated by an abnormal energy state. The degree that these abnormal energy states can be accurately discovered and corrected, many in the outward tangible signs of illness may be thereby relieved.
In practice this method seems to work most effectively for conditions have never permanently altered or destroyed organs or that happen to be otherwise deeply entrenched. Other more material types of treatment complement this approach at the same time like proper nutrition, lifestyle modification, supplementation, stress reduction, etc.
Energy medicine techniques while somewhat nebulous and controversial sometimes, are helpful methods which frequently compliment the greater obvious and tangible way of treatment. In the end, consistent relief of symptoms and reversal of underlying causes continues to become the purpose of any well-rounded holistic treatment plan.
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