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15 Tips to optimize the performance of your Windows 10 PC for Gaming
Windows 10 is the platform that PC gamers prefer due to a reason. It is not only Windows 10 compatible with almost all of the major PC games released in the last few decades and you are able to modify a range of settings built into the OS and third-party software to achieve the highest performance you can get from your preferred MMORPG as well as battle royale game. We will examine the best methods to maximize your performance on the performance of your Windows 10 computer for gaming.
Improve your Windows 10 PC for Gaming (Updated May 2021)
In this post, we'll look at different software options to boost game performance on the Windows 10 PC, along with some hardware upgrades which will give you the best outcomes. Read on to learn more about how to make the most of your gaming system when playing games like Fortnite and Assassin's Creed Valhalla GTA V (with mods), Ark: Survival Evolved, Red Dead Redemption 2, Call of Duty, Destiny 2, Apex Legends Rainbow Six Quarantine and more.
Software Solutions to Enhance Gaming Performance on Windows 10
To boost the gaming performance of Your Windows 10 machine, you can make a number of modifications and tweaks. The majority of them are software-based, meaning that you don't have to invest any additional money to implement them. Here are our suggestions:
1. Set Game Mode on Windows 10
Perhaps the most straightforward and apparent way to boost performance on your computer is to turn on the 'Game Mode' option in Windows 10. This feature shuts down background processes such as Windows updates and app notifications in order to improve FPS when playing games.
Game Mode is turned on by default. Game Mode is 'On' by default, however it's never hurt to run an initial test. To check this simply navigate to Settings (Windows keys and the letter I) > > Gaming > Game Mode (left sidebar). There's now a Game Mode' toggle on the pane to the right. Turn it on if it isn't there already.
2. Reduce the Resolution of Your Game and Graphics Settings
If your computer is an ultra-premium machine it is likely that you don't require any tweaks at all. If you're like us and must be content with less than top of the line, you might require some compromises on the graphics side to ensure better gaming experience. The game's settings for graphics can boost FPS by easing the burden on the GPU. It doesn't have to process the same amount of pixels in each frame.
The majority of dedicated gaming computers with a relatively recent generation are capable of handling 1080p at 60FPS in all games. Some may struggle with resolutions of 4K or 2K and your average desktop laptop may be unable to handle 1080p gaming. Therefore, make sure to try some different choices to find the right combination of graphic quality and FPS.
Certain games have basic settings such as medium, high, ultra and low, whereas other games have dials and numerical options and so on. This is a brief overview of some of the options available in PUBG.
3. Updating Graphics Drivers for Windows 10 to optimize Windows 10 PC for Gaming
Another popular piece of advice for troubleshooting is that updating your GPU to the most recent drivers. This can dramatically improve gaming performance. The graph below from Nvidia illustrates how drivers can boost FPS on games by up to 23% in some instances. The same is true also for AMD Radeon drivers as well. If you're brand new to PC gaming, check out our comprehensive guide to updating drivers for Your Windows 10 PC.
4. Delete SuperFetch (SysMain)
SysMain (formerly SuperFetch) is an inbuilt Windows feature that can speed up time to start up apps as well as Windows itself. However, games don't typically get the benefit of it. In fact, background activity typically rises when it is turned on however switching it off can boost game performance for the Windows 10 PC. Take a look at our complete guide to reducing memory and CPU usage to discover how to disable SysMain (SuperFetch) for your PC.
Note That disabling SysMain (Superfetch) isn't necessary in the case of an SSD however, some HDD users may benefit from it.
5. Turn off Prefetch
To deactivate Prefetch To disable Prefetch, you'll need to search to the Windows registry. Search for the word'regedit' within the Windows search bar, and then open your registry editor. Navigate through the key in from the left panel: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE the SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager Memory Management PrefetchParameters. Double-click EnablePrefetcher on the left pane. Change to change the DWORD (32-bit) value in the form of "0" (without quotation marks).
6. Allow Focus Assist to be enabled.
Notification pop-ups and accompanying chimes may interrupt games. This is the reason why you can use the Focus Assist feature comes in useful. Focus Assist on Windows 10 lets you specify the manner and time you get notifications. In order to avoid irritating pop-ups and messages while gaming, go to Settings (can be used with an alternative shortcut Windows key + I) and then Systemand then click Focus Assist. Select "Alarms Only or 'Priority Only to disable any pop-ups that aren't needed.
7. Turn Off Background Services
You can also block applications such as certain Windows 10 services, from being running in the background to make your PC more efficient for gaming. Background services generally consume more system resources, which can hinder the background activities that are important to you, such as gaming.
To turn off background services, visit Settings > Privacy -> > Background Applications. Switch off the "allow apps to run in background' switch in the right pane . This will block apps from running within the background. It is also possible to keep the main toggle turned on and disable individual applications if you wish to allow certain applications to run in background.
8. Uninstall redundant Programs and Bloatware
Windows is known to slow down with every program installed. One method to speed up the performance of your Windows 10 computer and reduce time to load is to delete programs that you do not use. It increases the speed of your PC and power efficiency.
To remove software then visit Control Panel -> Programs and Features. Select the program or app you wish to remove and then click the Uninstall button in the upper right. Select the option to remove the program from your computer.
It is also possible to uninstall applications from Settings> Apps and Features -> Apps. Simply scroll down until you get to Features and Apps Click on the app you wish to remove and then click the uninstall button.
9. Optimize Power Settings
Certain power settings can be able to throttle the CPU, regardless whether you're using a laptop or desktop. Therefore, choosing a performance-oriented power plan can help optimize the performance of your Windows 10 PC for gaming.
To do that, click right on the battery icon on the tray that displays notifications and select Power Options. For desktops, access the power settings menu via Control Panel > Power Options. Click on 'Show other plans' and then enable the high-performance plan.
Note: If you do not see the option to display additional plans then click on 'Create a power plan' on the left sidebar , and then select the option 'High Performance'. You can alter the options according to your needs.
If you're running a laptop, you can alter the power settings via the battery icon located on the tray of your system. To do this simply click the icon and then drag the slider to the option 'Best Performance.
10. Stop the mouse's acceleration
Acceleration of the mouse (Microsoft refers to it as Pointer Precision) helps you when working with text editors as well as moving between GUI elements within Windows as well as other applications. But, it could negatively affect the performance of your mouse during games. Enabling this feature can improve gaming performance in Windows 10. To enable it you need to go on to Control Panel -> Mouse and Pointer Options. Select the 'Enhance Pointer Precision' checkbox. Choose Apply or OK and you're done.
11. Change the settings of your Nvidia Control Panel or Radeon Control Center
Drivers for graphics from Nvidia and AMD include their individual control panels that allow you to alter the settings for graphics. To demonstrate we're employing Nvidia Control Panel. Nvidia Control Panel however, you can alter similar options within the AMD software to get similar outcomes.
To open to the Nvidia control panel click right on an empty space on your desktop and choose Nvidia Control Panel. Click on "Manage 3D Settings" on the left sidebar . You can modify the settings below in order to maximize the performance of your Windows 10 PC for gaming
Max Pre-Rendered Frames (MPF): This option determines the amount of frames processors prepare before sending them onto the graphic card. This setting can result in a smoother gaming experience. You may experience some lags when using your keyboard and mouse to play. To stop lag, change the value to "1".
Threaded Optimization: This feature lets you use multi-threaded optimization with modern multi-core processors. It therefore, must always be turned on.
Vertical Sync Vertical Sync gone over VSync and its significance for gaming in great detail, so be sure to check that out if you'd like to be aware of the details. It will suffice to mention that keeping it on in general is recommended to prevent screen-tearing as well as other graphic glitches. But, turning it off allows games to run smoother in certain situations. You should disable VSync only if your monitor is running at a higher frame rate than the game you are playing.
12. Turn off Steam Auto-updates
Steam continuously updates all your games, and eats precious resources like memory, processing power, and bandwidth on the internet. To stop Steam from updating your games during the time you're playing, head to Steam Settings -> Downloads. Make sure that the option 'Allow downloading while playing' is checked. This setting is turned off in default. Therefore, ensure that it remains that way.
13. Adjust the Visual Effects Settings in Windows 10
GUI animations could cause a problem for improving the performance of the computer and prevent users from enjoying the most efficient FPS when playing games that require a lot of. The default Windows 10 appearance settings tend to be oriented towards aesthetics however turning them off can aid in improving performance.
You can deactivate all of these UI shadows and animations in order in order to maximize Windows 10 for gaming performance. To do this you need to go on to System Properties -> Advanced tab, then Performance Settings and then Visual Effects. Then, select the 'Adjust to the best performance' option then click Apply or OK.
14. Disable Nagle's Algorithm
Nagle's algorithm helps improve internet connections by reducing the amount of packets that must be transmitted over the network. It's helpful for slow connections, but it can also cause problems with latency while playing games online.
windows 10 pro product key
With the speed of modern internet connections frequently exceeding thousands of Megabits each second, it's best to disable it in order to decrease latency. This should help make the performance of your Windows 10 computer for gaming. To do this you need to go to Windows PowerShell -> enter "ipconfig" (without quotes) and take note of the IPv4 address.
Now open Windows Registry Editor (regedit) and navigate to the following folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParametersInterfaces. There are numerous sub-folders in this folder. Explore each one to find the 'DhcpIPAddress' number in the right pane which corresponds to your IP address.
Once you have found the correct folder that has your IP address listed as an DhcpIPAddress value, click on the right mouse button to create an entirely fresh DWORD (32-bit) value in this same location. Name it TcpAckFrequency' (without quotes). Set it to 1.. Repeat the procedure to create a second entry called "TCPNoDelay" that has a number of 1'. Reboot your PC and Nagle's algorithm is disabled permanently. If you ever want to change your mind erase the two keys you've just made.
15. You can defragment your Hard Drive (HDD-only)
Another way to speed up the speed of access for Windows apps is to clean the hard disk. Windows 10 offers a built-in defragmentation option and you can find it by typing in 'Defrag" within Windows Search Box. Windows Search Box. You can use Piriform's defraggler to download (Free) to get more options for power users. Be aware that defragmentation is only appropriate to mechanical HDDs. Do not defrag SSDs as it reduces their life span.

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