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The Power of a Good Headline: How to Write One That Will Make Your Content Go Viral
The headline or heading in the text indicating the nature of the article below it. The headline is an essential element in most advertisements, and it is the eye-catching text that decides the reader whether to read the copy.

Did you know you have about three seconds to capture a potential customer’s attention? Well, now you know. And, armed with that information, you might be able to guess that the most critical weapon in your content armory is your headline.

The headline of a sales letter is so important because this one little item will either make or break you. It’s estimated that 85% of a sales letter’s effectiveness is gathered in the headline! All of these things are purely emotional and will be highly effective regarding sales power.

It can easily take someone as long to write the headline as to write the rest of the flyer/press release/brochure/whatever.

Section 1: The importance of a good headline
Why is your headline important?

The headline needs to capture readers’ attention and interest in the first three or four words to attract attention and interest. This means that your headline needs to be clear and concise, and it needs to be a short and to-the-point description of what you want to tell them. It needs to:

Spark curiosity and want to click on the headline to find out more.

Solve the question for them and drive them to your website to read more about the solution you provide.

Make people want to read more and learn more.

Section 2: A few of the characteristics of a good headline

A good headline always contains a lot of questions.

This is a type of question that gives the reader something to think about when reading.

How to write a good headline
Headlines can be incredibly varied in size, and they can vary in length too. Think about the headlines you read in the newspaper, for example. They can be under a page, and they can be as long as a chapter in a book.

This means they need to be intelligent, snappy, and evocative. The headline needs to grab the reader’s attention and get them to buy whatever you are selling.

However, you do not need to start at the beginning.

Effective headlines
The primary purpose of the headline or heading is to inform people about the content of the body copy they are about to read. And most people don’t want to read that much. So use the information in your headlines to inform and entertain with your headline/heading.

Here’s what a good headline/heading should do.

Show the title of the post (or body text)

Hint that they should read the body copy

Connect with the reader

Tell the story

Immediately lead them to the post/body text.

Here are some examples of powerful headlines that will capture the attention of the reader. are in bold, but the body text is in regular font.

Use these examples to inspire your headlines. The headings should be concise because people scan headlines, not read body copy that long.

How to use your headline
Did you know that your headline and other parts of your press release/brochure/etc...? Need to work in conjunction with each other, unlike other press releases?

When writing for the print media (letters, periodicals, newspapers, etc.), there’s a big problem that many companies have. They’ll do a press release that says, “We have this new stuff.” Or they’ll do a press release that says, “This is our latest product.” Then they forget to attach a sheet of paper to the press release that says, “Contact us if you want this product.”

Not only will this neglect the printed media, but you’re also going to keep a significant number of people from purchasing from your company.

So what to do?

Create a two-sided press release that says, “Contact us" if you want this product.

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Regards; Team

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