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Understand that you can never smoke again. Not a single cigarette, not a single puff. When you start bargaining with yourself on how it's okay to smoke remember there is no such thing as 'just one' or 'just a drag'. Smoking will not make you happy. Just accept this as the truth.

Be happy about quitting. You're not making a sacrifice, you're kicking an addiction.

The trickiest part is getting in the right mindset, but one you're there it's golden. Nicotine will be completely out of your system in 3 days, after that you're just getting over the psychological addiction. If you're getting particularly antsy find something to distract yourself with. I took a lot of walks (and I ate a whole lot, unfortunately for my waist line). Keep track of how much money you're saving (I'm at $2058). Look at the physiological effects of quitting.


One additional thing that might get you in the correct mindset: feel free to get angry at the faceless corporations that have been gleefully taking your money for years in exchange for detracting from your health and well-being. Get pissed at them. Make a promise to yourself to not give them any more of your money!

Also, if you calculate that you are saving $X dollars a week by not buying cigarettes, take half of that $X and buy yourself something nice that won't go up in smoke. For example, reat yourself to a DVD every Friday -- and don't feel guilty about it. Quitting sucks and is not easy. Reward yourself.


If you miss the feeling of a cigarette in your mouth, you can use non-nicotine alternatives to replace that feeling. Smoking is a habit or ritual and when you quit, you may miss the feeling of holding a cigarette in your hand and mouth. Replace the cigarette with flavored toothpicks, cinnamon sticks, or sugarless gum or candy. Even straws, chew sticks, and pretzel rods can help combat the psychological cravings of having a cigarette in your mouth.

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Regards; Team

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