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The Paleo diet consists of foods believed by its followers to resemble those lived in the Paleolithic age, which was around 10 million years ago. It has been around for a while and gaining in popularity. This diet has also been around for a very long time. In fact, it was first identified as a separate diet by archaeologist Richard Legg at the University of Tuscany in Italy in the 1970s. At the beginning, it was simply called the Paleolithic Age Diet.
The main focus of this diet is to return our diets to what human beings ate in the Paleolithic age: fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, bones, seeds and nuts, seafood, and drinking water. While this diet has many advocates, it has also been criticized for being high in saturated fat, sugar, and other highly processed foods. Many health experts feel that the highly processed foods contribute to the obesity epidemic. Furthermore, the Paleo diet has also been criticized for lacking sufficient amounts of fiber and essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

wellness of the primary health benefits associated with the Paleo diet is the reduction in unhealthy fats, such as those found in butter and other animal fats. By switching to high-fiber foods such as nuts and seeds, you can help your body become more efficient at burning energy and maintaining proper body weight. This is accomplished by increasing your metabolic rate (the rate at which your body uses energy) by consuming a large amount of fiber and other nutrients, and cutting out the bad fats and sugars. This switch allows you to consume small amounts of dark chocolate, nuts, berries, and other nutritious treats, while receiving the same number of health benefits.

Another health benefit associated with the Paleo diet is the increase in lean meats (such as skinless chicken and turkey), which is what human beings used to eat. It's been estimated that Paleolithic man ate about half of their calories, which is significantly less than what we're accustomed to today. blog are especially important because our diets have been so unhealthy lately, and we really need to cut back on our calorie intake if we want to remain healthy. Also, because our Paleolithic ancestors didn't have access to fruits and vegetables, they were also able to get all of their nutrients from meat and fish, which is even higher than what most Americans get these days.

The Paleo diet also promotes the consumption of fresh foods, which is also an innovation that wasn't widespread in the Paleolithic age. The diet consists of mainly fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and nuts, which are all higher in nutritional value than anything you could get from the produce section of your local grocery store. You should primarily use fresh foods such as these if you want to reap the maximum benefits of the Paleo diet. Eating fruits and veggies every three or four hours will allow you to reap the benefits of eating a Paleo meal plan for a long time to come.

Eggs are another food that you should try and eliminate from your diet when you are going on the Paleo diet. Eggs were used as a main staple in the paleolithic era, but the high cholesterol found in eggs may cause problems with some people, so it's best not to eat too many eggs while on the diet. If you must eat eggs, select those that are organic and are not pasteurized, which are usually full of harmful preservatives and fats.
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