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Evacuation-Proof Plumbing
The state of California is prone to severe disasters quickly. Wildfires may force you to evacuate your home without much prior warning if you are in the path of one. Being prepared for future evacuations is the best way to deal with them. The traumatic nature of evacuations will never go away, but knowing you're doing the right thing at least gives some comfort.

It is imperative to protect your plumbing before evacuating your home. The following simple steps will increase the probability that your plumbing will remain functional after a major disaster. Hopefully, these tips will help prevent your homecoming from adding to an already stressful situation.

I recommend you prepare now.
You should do this before an evacuation is ordered, so it is step 0. It's not necessary to follow this step if you're leaving now. Stay safe!

Make sure your plumbing is properly maintained. When you find a leaky pipe, patch it up right away. Get rid of clogs, sluggish drains, and other minor issues before they become more serious. When you leave your plumbing alone for a while, it will hold up better if it is kept healthy.

The first step is to open up your dishwasher and washing machine.
Make sure your washing machine and dishwasher are on. Make sure nothing inside either fixture rattles around and damages the machinery. After emptying both machines, leave them open for a few minutes. The airing out of the fixtures will help prevent mold from growing inside them while you are away.

Step 2: Unclog your pipes.
Switch off the water main and turn on all the faucets in your house. There won't be any water left in your pipes after draining that water. It will prevent water damage if your pipes burst while you are away. Once you have drained the water, turn the faucets back on. You don't need to turn them off when you get home if you don't have time!

Turn on your water heater's vacation mode.
There are modern water heaters that have vacation settings if you'll be away for a long time. Find out where it is in your owner's manual. You can suspend your water heater's regular operation while you are on vacation. Your pipes won't get hot or be filled with water, and you won't be able to heat up water with it. In to saving you money, preventing water damage will also be accomplished. Don't forget to re-activate your water heater after you get back home.

Preventing damage to your home by following these steps before you evacuate would be beneficial. Preventing the need to evacuate is even better.

Contact Candu Plumbing if you need help with preparing your plumbing for an emergency. We're always willing to help. Please stay safe!

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