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To Patrick Stump,
First of all I just want to start this off by saying that I completely understand if your answer to this is no as I know fall out boy are touring around this time and I know it will be highly unconventional for you if you have a concert on this day but please hear me out. First of all Ill start off by telling you my backstory.

Basically my whole life I've been bullied.Throughout primary school high school I had everything done to me from being beaten up outside of school, pushed down stairs, had my locker trashed, my bag was stolen twice from class and I found it in the bin outside school, called names as I walked through the corridors and often I was chased home by a gang of boys who threw bricks and bottles at me and my sisters till we managed to run through my door and my mum ran out and screamed at them but they only laughed and ran away..and I also had acid poured on me in biology.. the teacher did nothing, and Its taken 3 years to get rid of the scar it left on my arm. My childhood was miserable. I didn't sleep at all at night, I would stay up crying and wishing I could be someone..anyone else other than me..I didn't want to go to school but there was nothing my mum could do..she thought I would be strong enough to ignore the bullying because at first it was just name calling but it quickly progressed into something very violent and on more than one occasion I suffered head injuries from being pushed down stairs by the bullies..
The police were called 4 times by my mum but they didn't do anything either..The entire town was corrupt, it was the sort of town were everyone knew everybody and everyone was related and it so happened that the headteacher was very close with the mothers of most of the people bullying me so nothing was ever done to help me.
Fast forward about 4 years into high school, I was 14 then and my best friend went on holiday and had a tragic accident and died and it destroyed me. He was the one that would make me laugh even though I felt like crying and would stand up for me when the bullies would say things when he was with me and because of this he was bullied too. I stayed off school for a few weeks until his funeral and I was shocked when I realised that everyone that bullied us had turned up just to mock me and get the day off school..I was so angry I couldn't even stay for long as I was so upset that they would try and disrupt his day.

Your probably wondering where does fall out boy come into this? Well in summer 2013 I went on holiday to the USA and one day "my songs know what you did in the dark" by a band I had never heard of before, Fall Out Boy came on the radio and I fell in love. The second I returned from america, I downloaded that song and listened to it on repeat and for the first time I felt happy and when I plugged my headphones in and pressed repeat, all my problems and sadness melted away and it was just me and the perfect voice of patrick stump and awesome drum solos and guitar riffs from Pete, Andy and Joe.

Heres a bit more of my story (I promise its nearly done!)

After another year of bullying my mum had, had enough and moved my family to england in 2014 but the damage had already been done. I had been suffering from depression since I was 12 because of the bullying and the because I was really overweight and had no friends, it pushed me over the edge to a point where I didn't even want to live anymore...When i started at my new school I found it impossible to make friends, my self confidence was completely non existent and I couldn't trust anyone..I would go to the bathroom and plug in my headphones and listen to music until the bell went..but after a few months I made friends but for some reason the depression wasn't getting any better, in fact it had got early summer I started self harming and eventually my whole arm was covered in cuts and I couldn't even leave my house. I was so convinced that somehow I would have to take off my jumper/hoodie and everyone would see them so I would bail on my friends and constantly stay off school and stay in my room with the blinds closed watching funny videos to try and make myself feel better but it never worked.

I barely felt alive. I was at the point where if a car came out of nowhere I would gladly step into its path. I had, had enough with my life and I tried to commit suicide twice but both my attempts failed which made me feel like I couldn't even achieve that along with everything else, which made me even more depressed, but I tried again and this time I almost achieved my goal. I had never told anyone how I felt before and so It had been building up inside me and eventually pushed me over the edge. I spent two weeks off school and a few days in the hospital and when I went back my friends were so nice to me and made sure I was okay because they had heard I was in hospital..they still dont know why though I haven't got the heart to tell them what I almost did..I started seeing the school counselor and she helped me through therapy and by a lot of talking It turns out that Its very likely I have bipolar disorder but they can't test me until Im 18 so I have to wait another year.

So thats my story, its pretty long so im really sorry I just didn't want to leave out anything because I feel like you deserve the full story after everything you and pete and andy and joe have done for me. You guys have literally saved my life. I became a what you might call a "super fan" of FOB last year after searching the internet and finding out that you guys had made even more songs than I though and I downloaded them all and absolutely love every single song on them :) I started watching old fall out boy tour videos and I found myself laughing and smiling when pete did something crazy like jump through a wall or when you went all awkward and cute in an interview or said something really funny like when you owned pete by saying he wears girls pants xD, something I hadn't done in a long time..and as I started to get more and more into your music, I felt so much more alive and happy :) I learned every single one of the songs and I would look forward to coming home everyday after school just to sing your songs and attempt to mimic your american accent. There are no words to describe how amazing your music makes me feel. I can say that honestly I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for you and Pete and Joe and Andy and I cannot thank you all enough <3

Now to the part where I ask probably the most unusual thing a fan has ever asked you
Will you, Patrick Stump go to prom with me?
You have no idea how much it would mean to me if you did. I can say that honestly it would be the best day of my life, a dream come true for me :) Prom is something i've been looking forward to since I was a little girl, the idea of being almost like a princess for one night really appealed to me but now with my scars I have really low self confidence and but if you were to accompany me I know I would feel so much more confident and be able to wear my beautiful royal blue prom dress I got for my 16th birthday :)
Dont worry, I'm not a crazy fan girl I wont try and kidnap you or anything haha all Im asking for is for you to come with me and maybe take a few photos with me and most importantly it would give me the chance to meet you and be able to tell you in person what a huge impact you have made on my life. what do you say Patrick? Will you make my dream come true and go to prom with me? :)
Thank you for everything,
AJ x

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