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The ultimate Secret Of Olive Oil
An annual international symposium on the health benefits of olive oil held by Yale School of Public Health. Yale School of Public Health is headed to the heart of the olive oil world the Mediterranean region of Spain where world-class experts will gather in the coming months to study the possibilities and effects of what some call "liquid gold."

The symposium is co-hosted with the University of Jaen, the symposium will take place from December 9 to 12 in Jaen, a city in the state of Andalusia which is the center of the Spanish olive oil region and an area being considered for an UNESCO World Heritage site for a grove dubbed"the Mar de Olivos, or "Sea of Olives." This is the third international symposium hosted since 2018. The previous year's symposium was delayed due to the pandemic.

Organized by Vasilis Vasiliou, Ph.D., the Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Epidemiology and chair of Yale School of Public Health's Department of Environmental Health Sciences along with Tassos C. Kyriakides, Ph.D., a Yale Center for Analytical Sciences (biostatistics) faculty participant, the symposium will bring experts from academia, business leaders, farmers and regional and national officials to discuss the untapped possibilities of olive trees and their products particularly olive oil.

"We're thrilled to be returning. This year's event will be the largest to date, with an incredible and ambitious program. I am extremely thrilled to bring the people together who are as enthusiastic about olive oil like I am." Vasiliou said. Vasiliou. "There's nothing like this gathering anywhere else around the globe."

This year's symposium will address diverse topics that are central to the cultivation of olives as well as how olive oil will evolve in the coming years, both in human and planetary health. The topics will include:

Recent research has revealed health benefits related to olive oil.
How climate change is impacting olive trees and how olive farming can positively affect the climate.
Effective olive oil marketing along with business strategies.
Each session will end by a discussion round table, followed by a Q&A. It will feature the opportunity to taste olive oil and an excursion through olive groves.

The Yale School of Public Health is seeking to launch an institute called the Yale Institute for Olive Sciences and Health The institute would be devoted to the study of olive trees, their fruits and their derivatives, as well as ways to incorporate the fruits and their products in the nutrition of individuals. The institute would also focus on planetary health issues, including circular economy models, sustainability along with climate-related change.

Vasiliou, who is from Greece and is also a major center of olive oil production and a leading consumer, said that a plan for an olive oil institution needs to be submitted for review by at the end of the year. Such an institute would serve as a global body that would facilitate and oversee research in all fields related to the olive tree and its products.

There's no other symposium in the world

Vasilis Vasiliou
"I grew up with olive oil, and have witnessed its benefits in person. Mediterranean nutrition has been regarded over the years as being among the most healthy anywhere in the world and the foundation of it is olive oil," said the doctor. "I am determined to establish Yale's School of Public Health's collective leadership in this important subject."

In the meantime, Kyriakides, an olive oil sommelier not only always tastes oils from all over the world, he takes in large quantities of olive oil daily in his cooking as well as his breakfast Extra virgin olive oil shots.

"It does what I want it to and is healthy and delicious," he said. "The oils from the olive trees have been connecting people for thousands of years; it is our responsibility as public health professionals to ensure that the benefits this superfood may bring to the health of humans are shared with those we connect with."

The evidence from the last 50 years strongly suggests that olive oil is beneficial to good health, Kyriakides said. A daily consumption of 20 grams of olive oil (about two tablespoons) that includes a certain amount of a particular polyphenol (at at least 5 mg of the hydroxytyrosol and its derivatives) has a health benefit that has been approved by the European Food Safety Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is related to the protection of blood fats from the effects of oxidative stress.

Spain has was asked to be the co-host for this year's symposium, is the largest production of olive oil around the globe, accounting for 35% - 40% of the production, Kyriakides said. In addition, numerous advances in the olive agricultural and sustainable and global health initiatives have resulted directly from Spanish practices.

"Now more than ever, the need for a globally focused institute is so apparent in our efforts to develop more sustainable practices that will improve both our human and global health," Kyriakides said.

The health benefits of dietary fats are in dispute.

However, experts are of the opinion that olive oilespecially extra virginis healthy for your health.

Here are 11 health benefits from olive oil that are supported by research findings.

1. Olive Oil Is Rich in healthy monounsaturated fats
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Olive oil is the natural oil made from olives, which is the fruit of the olive tree.

Around 14% of the oils are saturated fat, whereas 11% is polyunsaturated, like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids ( 1).

However, the most prevalent fatty acid in olive oil is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, making up 73 percent of the total oil content.

Research suggests that oleic acids reduce inflammation, and could even improve the function of cancer-related genes ( 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source).

Monounsaturated fats are also quite resistant to heat, making olive oils that are extra-virgin an healthy option to cook with.

SummaryOlive oil is high in monounsaturated Oleic acid. This is a fatty
acid is believed to have many beneficial effects and is a healthy choice for

2. Olive Oil Contains Large Amounts of Antioxidants
Extra virgin olive oil is fairly healthy.

In addition to its beneficial fatty acids it also contains a small amount of vitamins E and K.

However, olive oil is loaded with powerful antioxidants.

They are biologically active and may reduce the risk of suffering from chronic diseases ( 6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source).

They also reduce inflammation and to protect your blood cholesterol from oxidation, two advantages that could reduce your risk of suffering from heart illness ( 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).

Extra virgin olive oil is brimming with antioxidants,
Some of them have strong biological impact.

3. Olive Oil Has Strong Anti-Inflammatory properties
Chronic inflammation is believed to be a major cause of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, metabolic syndrome Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and obesity.

Extra-virgin olive oil can reduce inflammation and may constitute one of the major reasons for its health benefits.

The most significant anti-inflammatory effects are mediated through antioxidants. One of the most significant antioxidants is oleocanthal which has been proven to work similar to ibuprofen, which is an anti-inflammatory medication ( 10Trusted Source).

Certain scientists have estimated that the oleocanthal in 3.4 tablespoons (50 milliliters) from extra-virgin olive oil can have the same effect as 10 percent of the adult dose of ibuprofen ( 11Trusted Source).

Research also suggests that oleic acid, the primary fatty acid found of olive oil may lower levels of important inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein (CRP) ( 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

Another study showed that olive oil antioxidants can stop certain proteins and genes which cause inflammation ( 12Trusted Source).

Olive oil contains essential nutrients that combat
inflammation. This includes Oleic acid, as well as the antioxidant Oleocanthal.

4. Olive Oil May Help Prevent Strokes
Stroke is caused by disturbance of blood flow to your brain caused by a blood clot or bleeding.

In developed countries stroke is most frequent cause of death, just behind heart disease ( 13).

The relationship between olive oil and stroke risk has been investigated in depth.

A large review of studies on 841,000 people revealed that olive oil was the sole source of monounsaturated fat which is linked to a decreased risk of stroke and heart diseases ( 14Trusted Source).

In another review in 140,000 participants, people who ate olive oil were significantly less at risk of suffering from stroke than those who didn't ( 15Trusted Source).

Numerous large studies show that people
People who consume olive oil are at an incredibly lower chance of stroke, the second biggest
killer in developed countries.

5. Olive Oil Is Protective Against Heart Disease
The heart disease has been identified as the leading cause of death worldwide ( 16).

Observational studies conducted a few years ago revealed that heart diseases are more common within Mediterranean countries.

This has led to extensive studies on the Mediterranean food plan, which has now been proven to lower the risk of heart disease ( 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).

Extra virgin olive oil is among the essential ingredients of this diet, protecting against heart disease in many methods ( 19).

It reduces inflammation, shields "bad" LDL cholesterol from destruction, and strengthens the blood vessels, and could assist in stopping excessive blood clotting (20Trusted Source, 21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source, 25Trusted Source).

In addition, it has been proven to reduce blood pressure which is one of the biggest risk factors associated with heart disease and premature death. A study conducted on olive oil decreased the requirement to take blood pressure medications by 48 percent ( 26Trusted Source, 27Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source).

Dozens, if not hundreds -- of studies show that extra-virgin olive oil is a powerful source of advantages in terms of heart health..

If you have heart disease, an ancestor with a record of the disease or any other major risk factor, you may consider including lots oils from olives that are extra-virgin into your diet.

Extra virgin olive oil has many advantages
for the health of your heart. It reduces blood pressure and protects "bad" LDL cholesterol
particles from oxidation and enhances the blood vessels' function.

6. Olive Oil Is Not Associated With weight Gain and Obesity
Eating excessive amounts of fat causes weight gain.

Numerous studies have shown that studies that have linked Mediterranean diet, which is rich of olive oils, to beneficial impacts on the body's weight ( 29Trusted Source, 30Trusted Source, 31Trusted Source).

In a 30-month study in over 7700 Spanish college students, eating a lot of olive oil was not linked to increased weight ( 32Trusted Source).

A three-year study in 187 participants found that a diet that was rich in olive oil was linked to higher levels of antioxidants in blood, in addition to weight loss ( 33Trusted Source).

Consuming olive oil is not seem to
Increase the chance of increase the chance of. In fact, moderate intake can help the process of losing weight.

7. Olive Oil May Fight Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease in the world.

One of its key features is the formation of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain cells.

A study on mice revealed that a substance in olive oil could help in removing the deposits ( 34Trusted Source).

A study on humans found that an Mediterranean diet that was rich in olive oil benefitted brain functioning ( 35Trusted Source).

Remember that research is required on the impact of olive oil on Alzheimer's disease.

A few studies suggest that olive oil could
fight Alzheimer's disease but more research is required.

8. Olive Oil May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Olive oil is believed to be extremely protective against type 2 diabetes.

Numerous studies have shown that olive oil may have benefits on blood sugar levels and an increase in insulin resistance ( 36Trusted Source, 37Trusted Source).

A clinical study randomized to 418 healthy individuals recently proved the benefits from olive oil ( 38Trusted Source).

In this study the results showed that it was found that a Mediterranean diet high in olive oil reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by over 40%.

Both studies of observation and clinical
studies have shown that olive oil when paired with studies suggest that olive oil, when paired with a Mediterranean diet, may help reduce
Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

9. The Antioxidants found in Olive Oil Have Anti-Cancer Properties
Cancer is among the most frequent causes of death across the world.

People living in Mediterranean countries are less at risk of certain cancers and many scientists believe that olive oil might be the reason ( 39Trusted Source).

The antioxidants present in olive oil can reduce the damage caused by free radicals, which is believed to be a leading cancer-causing factor ( 40Trusted Source, 41Trusted Source).

Many test-tube studies demonstrate that olive oil's antioxidants can fight cancer cell lines ( 42Trusted Source, 43Trusted Source).

More research is needed to determine if olive oil really reduces your risk of cancer.

The preliminary evidence suggests that olive oil is a good source of
can reduce the risk of developing cancer could reduce cancer risk, however, more research is required.

10. Olive Oil Can Help Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which is characterised by pain and deformity of joints.

Although the reason behind this isn't fully identified, it's a result of the immune system attacking normal cells in error.

Olive oil supplements appear to increase inflammation markers and decrease the risk of oxidative stress for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis. ( 44Trusted Source, 45Trusted Source).

Olive oil seems particularly beneficial when combined together with fish oil as a source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

The results of one research study showed that the olive and fish oil significantly improved handgrip strength, joint pain , and stiffness in the morning for people suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis. ( 46Trusted Source).

Olive oil can help reduce joint pain as well as
swelling resulting from rheumatoidarthritis. The beneficial effects are greatly
Increased when combined with fish oil.

11. Olive Oil Has Antibacterial Properties
Olive oil contains a variety of nutrients that inhibit or kill bad microbes ( 47Trusted Source).

torchio per olio of them is Helicobacter Pylori, a bacterium that is found in the stomach and may cause stomach ulcers as well as stomach cancer.

Studies in test tubes have proven that olive oil extracted from extra virgin olives fights off eight strains of this bacterium. three of them are resistant to antibiotics ( 48Trusted Source).

A study of humans found thirty grams extra virgin olive oil that is consumed every day could eliminate Helicobacter Pylori infection in 10-40 percent of people in as little as 2 weeks ( 49Trusted Source).

Extra-virgin olive oil has antibacterial properties.
properties and has been found to be particularly effective against Helicobacter.
Pylori, a kind of bacterium that may cause stomach ulcers and stomach ulcers.

Make Sure to Get the right type
Choosing the best type of olive oil very vital.

Extra virgin olive oil contains some of the bioactive and antioxidant compounds that are found in olives. This is why it's considered to be healthier than the more refined variety of olive oil.

Even so, there is plenty of fraud in the market for olive oils and the majority of oils that say "extra virgin" on the label have been diluted with other refined oils.

Therefore, examine labels carefully to ensure that you're getting genuine extra-virgin olive oil. It's always recommended to read ingredients lists and look for the quality certificate.

The Bottom Line
At the end of the day, the best extra-virgin olive oil is extremely healthy. Because of its powerful antioxidants, it can benefit your brain, heart, joints and more.

It could be the healthiest fat on the planet.

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