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"Hope's Peak Academy..." I looked up to the giant building in front of me, even if I never said it out loud, my dream had always been to be chosen as one of the few lucky people to go to Hope's Peak Academy.

But the second I set foot in that school, my vision went dark, it got heavier, I was tired all of a sudden.

I collapsed.


I awoke in a dark classroom, a few people were around me, "She woke up!" A shorter girl called out, a few people surrounded me.

"You're awake, you were the last one to wake up out of all o us!"

I paused for a second, "Last one? Were you all unconscious as well?"

A shorter girl with pigtails stepped up, "Yeah! We all woke up here! I was the first! No one new came, it seems we're locked in here too.."

A guy with dark hair spoke up, "That's right, I tried opening the door but it wouldn't work, I guess we're stuck in here for a while.."

The same girl with pigtails spoke again, "Oh- oh- and! He's the ULTIMATE BOXER! If he can't open it, none of us stand a chance!"

"Way to bring us all down," a girl with short blonde hair and a little top hat said. "Anyways, since you're here, I assume you're also an ultimate."

I nodded, "My name is Mizuki Hanako, I am the Ultimate Writer." The shorter girl spoke again, "Oh, my turn! I'm Mitsuko Suzuki! Ultimate Matchmaker!"

The guy from earlier also introduced himself, "Takai Kutashi, Ultimate Boxer," the girl with the top hat spoke too, "I'm Yumi Takara, Ultimate Actress-"

"And I'm Yuki Takara, Ultimate Disguiser, and the better twin~" A guy that looked just like her walked up to us, they both looked so similar apart from the hair length.

"Better? Yeah right.." Yumi scoffed, "Oh, alright then, let's ask our guest, who's the better twin?" They both turned to me.

"Well..." The shorter girl from earlier came back, "Now now, let's not torture the poor girl," she sighed, "I am Suki Mikayo, Ultimate Artist."

She seemed to wave over to a few others, "Oh, she's awake, I didn't even realize, sorry! I'm Iris Kaori, Ultimate Florist!" Her friend spoke up, "I'm Haru Ikari, Ultimate Gardener."

"A-and I'm Katashi Kikuchi... Ultimate Diver.." another guy nudged his arm, "Oh come on, we just got kidnapped, the worst you can do is be more scared than you already are! I'm Kioshi Tsukumo, Ultimate Blacksmith!"

"Oh- are we doing introductions? I'm Shoichi Yamamoto, Ultimate Hacker!" A shorter girl next to him cut in, "I'm Asami Simizu, Ultimate Linguist-"

"No way- so THAT was your talent?" An unrecognizable guy said, "And I tried so hard to guess it.." his eyes widened, he didn't seem to notice, but we did, and it was terrifying, I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry about him, he's just like that, I'm Daisuke Yamada, Ultimate Spy."

"I see, and that guy is..?"

"Emiyo Akira, he's harmless though, unless you dare him to do something, he'd gladly accept, as the Ultimate Daredevil."

Suddenly, the we heard a click, and the doors opened, "HEY! EVERYONE! THE DOORS OPENED!" Everyone rushed, we all ran to find an exit, but it wouldn't open, only then did we hear the speaker the, "Everyone, meet at the Gym."

"The Gym? Where is that?!" I sighed, "Let's split up, we'll go in pairs, once we find the Gym we'll tell the others," Haru nodded, "Sounds good."

Everyone paired up, Haru went with Iris. Yumi hesitantly went with Yuki. Rei went with Mitsuko. Sachiko and Suki went together. Kioshi went with Shoichi. Asami went with Daisuke. And Takai chose to go with Katashi, which left me and Emiyo, it was quite unfortunate but I didn't disagree.

As we all parted ways, we would look around, occasionally seeing each other around the school. "Ohh~ What's this?~" I glared, "Please, refrain from putting your hands on anything, we were just kidnapped, may I remind you we could be on enemy territory?"

"Well I just looked at it, I won't do anything stupid-"

"Unfortunately, I doubt that, we could end up in a mess, just keep searching." He hesitated but followed and stayed quiet after it. After quite a while, we ran into Iris and Haru, who set out to tell the others that Daisuke and Asami had found the Gym.

It took a while, but we all were reunited, after a second, suddenly we saw a figure, but not human, it was far too short, it was- a bear? A short black and white bear, "Hello students! You may all call me Monokuma! Hope's Peak Academy's headmaster!"

I heard a few comments from the others, "Hey, hey! I am your headmaster and will be respected! Anyways, let's get straight to the point!"

"Straight to the point?"

"In this school, you'll have to kill each other to survive! And you must not get caught!" Students gasped, some laughed as if it was a joke, "You are urging us to commit such a highly illegal crime? I do not understand."

"Well let me help you understand! You all have your own handbooks with your information, each time a killing happens, there'll be time to investigate, then there'll be a class trial! During the trial, you have to vote who's guilty!"

"What if you get caught?"

"Then the blackened will rightfully be executed, and you all will go on with your lives- BUT- if you got it wrong, you all die, and the blackened will graduate Hope's Peak Academy!"

Gasps could be heard, a few students seemed confused, so it's me against everyone, nobody was trust worthy, who says they won't attempt a murder?

"That's all! Your handbooks will have the rules, and a map of the school- including your assigned dorms! Bye bye now!" Haru called out, "Hey- wait!" But he was gone by then.

"Hey now, don't believe what he says, it's just a stupid bear! What can he do? We should be able to leave easily!" Everyone agreed, and a few of them were sent out to find an escape route.

I wanted no part in this little revolution of theirs, so I decided on exploring the place instead, the cafeteria has food for days, which seems to get replaced every one to two days.

The dorms had small numbers next to the door, and our handbooks had our dorm number. There were locker rooms, and cameras outside them so nobody would try anything, there was an indoor pool, and a few old club rooms.

Cooking club seemed to use mostly things from the cafeteria, Art club had a few old painting sitting around, Drama club seemed brand new, with unused outfits of all sizes, and wigs, with accessories.

Robotics was old and dusty, Band had a few instruments that seemed new, while others seemed more used. After a while of walking around, I got a message through my handbook.

They worked like phones, you could contact people through it, but only send messages, they had rules, our personal information, and you had a map in it as well.

It said to meet at the cafeteria, I headed there, once I got there, I saw almost everyone, except for Iris, Takai, and Suki. Handbooks showed the time as well, so we knew it was quite early, which means we weren't out for too long, since we got to school early.

We all decided to eat something, we at least needed to not starve, Emiyo called it "brunch".

"So, we need a plan.." Kioshi stated, "Yeah we know we need a plan- that stupid bear wasn't kidding, every exit is sealed up, there's no way out of this place, no way in either, and no way to contact anyone in authority."

"So, are we just trapped in here?"

"Hey hey! Don't ignore what the mean bear said! We have to kill each other obviously!"

Suki cut her off, "Don't be stupid Mitsuko! We'd never resort to murder, he was probably joking, he seems to have a twisted sense of humor!"

"I was just saying~ What if I just-"


Yumi put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, calm down now-"

"NO!" He pushed her aside, "And get off of me, if you fuckers wanna get yourselves killed, be my guests, but don't get me involved in this 'murder' thing!"
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