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With all of the goings-on, toilet paper has been flying off of shelves as quickly as it can be restocked. It may not be possible to stock toilet paper at this point. Households cannot afford their usual amounts, let alone stock up. The high demand for toilet paper is now causing a dilemma in many households. In case there are no toilet papers available, what to do. To keep clean, here are some alternatives to toilet paper.

Other Paper Alternative
Toilet paper is not the only alternative you have. Despite not all of them being as plush, they still work just fine. Here are some things you might want to consider: paper towels, paper napkins, tissues, wipes, and newspapers. While the latter sounds strange, other paper products may also be difficult to find. Following the success of toilet paper, other paper products soon followed. If you already own some of these things, you may be able to utilize them.

Get A Bidet
Most Americans use toilet paper, which may surprise you. Other countries actually do use bidets for hygiene. The different types of bidets include separate plumbing fixtures, toilet seats attached to them, and attachments that are detached from the seat. There have been new bidet attachments that can be installed yourself over the last few years as people have gone green in their homes. Accessorizing the toilet seat with these attachments is affordable and simple. It is possible to connect some of them even to the hot water line under your sink to provide warm cleansing water. Although toilet paper is the latest craze, many stores and even Amazon have bidets for sale. During the great toilet paper shortage of 2020, you won't have to go without even though they are relatively easy to install. Oh, and you might just like it and save money buying toilet paper after all.

Watch What You Flush
As such, if you decide to forego the bidet and choose some of the other materials mentioned, be sure NOT to flush any of them. Because toilet paper dissolves in water, it can be flushed. On the other hand, the other items mentioned above can actually cause some serious plumbing problems, such as clogged drains and overflowing toilets. In the event that some items do not go through your pipes, they can sit and collect other debris. Drains will clog and pressure will be put on your pipes. Clogged drains and backup issues are the last thing you want. No one wants to be quarantined in a room with a toilet that won't flush. Do yourself a favor and be extra careful with what you flush down the toilet at this time. You can always call Candu if you are experiencing a clogged drain.
Want to cut back on your expenses? You can accomplish that by inspecting your plumbing. Most people don't think too much about the plumbing in their home or how much water it uses. Because of , leaks can go undetected and plumbing fixtures can waste more water than necessary. With a few simple adjustments, you can save on your plumbing. The following tips will help you save money on plumbing.

Check Your Faucets
The average leaky faucet wastes 15,500 gallons per year. A year's time really adds up. Many faucets leak when a tap isn't closed completely or when a gasket needs to be replaced. Many times, the leak can be repaired by replacing a seal or a gasket. When you shut off the faucet or shower head, if you notice a drip drip drip, investigate more deeply. The best solution is sometimes to replace the entire unit; in that case, newer faucets require less water, so they are by nature more efficient

Low Flow Aerators
If your faucets are in good condition and do not leak but you want to save water, you may want to think about a low flow aerator. The low flow aerator is an attachment that fits on the end of your faucet. In general, faucets have a flow rate of 22 gallons per minute. Low flow aerators reduce that to 15 while injecting air into the stream so water pressure is not affected. This can also lead to you saving money, since your water heater will not have to heat as much hot water to meet demand.

Toilet Maintenance
The actual toilet will last for a long time, but the parts inside will not. The flapper, the flush valve, and the fill valve will wear out over time. Your toilet can use more water when these parts malfunction. It is typical for a flapper to last four to five years, a flush valve for six to seven years, and a fill valve for three years. Ensure that these parts are regularly checked and, if necessary, replaced. Likewise, if you see your toilet acting up, such as phantom flushing, address the problem right away to reduce waste.

Watch What Goes Down The Drain
The prevention of plumbing problems will likewise reduce waste and save money on utilities. Watching what goes down the drain is one of the best things you can do for your plumbing to prevent problems. Your plumbing system can be damaged further by a clogged drain. The following items should never be allowed to infiltrate your drains:
Fats, oils, and grease
Starchy foods that expand
Fibrous food peels
Egg shells
Coffee grounds

Paper towels
Diapers and wipes
Feminine hygiene products
Cotton swabs
Dental floss
When you find yourself with a clogged drain, don't use liquid drain cleaner. Drain cleaners are made out of heavy duty chemicals that can eat through your pipes and cause more damage. You might have a more serious plumbing problem if you haven't been able to plunging. If this is the case, call your plumber.

Professional Drain Cleaning
Cleaning your drains regularly can also reduce the build-up of gunk inside your pipes, saving you money. A clean pipe is one that is free from obstruction. It is possible that pressure may build up inside your pipes when you have frequent drain clogs. You may find that your pipes crack or burst whenever this happens. Drain cleaning can help restore your plumbing and help determining the condition of your pipes, which allows you to get ahead of repairs, thereby saving you money. Dealing with a stubborn clog or leak? Call the experts at Candu today!

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