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Journal Prompt:
Feb. 2 In your dance I think your focus has to be on many things. One you, you need to be sure you're in the right mood while dancing, make sure you know your dance, you may have to create choreography if your dance is unfinished. Two, your partner. you need to watch and help them with their part. And three, the music, sure you've already picked out your music but that's not what I mean. I mean you need to connect with your music, to know how to dance to it.
Feb. 4 For our dance our facial expressions need to take a serious toll. We should really feel the music for this song especially because I think mostly everyone can relate to wanting to make yourself known, to have people remember you.
Feb. 9 Oh man would it be horrible if I started to laugh during this dance! I hear you're supposed to think of dead puppies but then I fear I might be off track on my dance, so I would listen to the music and recount my beats, maybe look at Miya to help me remember the moves.
Feb. 11 Well our dance is mainly the both of us dancing the same piece. So when we watched the other, we watched for timing and technic. Miya has really good technic with the dance moves, though some of her timing is off, yet im sure I have done much to have corrections.
Feb. 16 I don't know how to answer this prompt.
Feb. 18
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