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Motivating Your Consumer Through Incentive Marketing
If you have never heard about incentive marketing, then you might not be aware of it. In incentive marketing, there is no direct benefit to the person who performs the action. Instead, it is the reward or punishment that comes from performing certain actions or paying a certain price. This is very common in business and promotions. Here are a couple of examples.

If you own a company and would like to promote your product or service, one incentive program that you can use is providing discounts or rewards for every purchase made by a customer. For instance, if you own and operate a pizza shop, you can create a program wherein each time someone visits your store and pays for their order, you can offer them a discount. They will have to bring their identification to get this discount, otherwise they won't be able to enjoy the benefits of your marketing scheme. Once you have their contact information, you can continue to offer them different types of pizza discounts or rewards.

Another way to use incentive marketing is creating a multi-channel promotion. With a multi-channel promotion, you promote one or more products or services using different mediums. For instance, let's say you own and operate a gym. You can create various mediums through which you can reach your target customers. For instance, you can use television, radio, online advertising, as well as other print and electronic media to reach your target customers.

The great thing about creating different rewards or incentives programs is that it creates greater value for your customers. It is like offering them more. Studies have shown that people tend to remember the things that they were rewarded or given in the past. This is how marketers take advantage of incentive marketing strategy by providing their target customers different types and amounts of incentives. Incentives such as discounts and freebies have been proven to be very effective.

When it comes to incentive marketing, it is important to reward your loyal customers and give them incentives for repeat business. These types of marketing incentives are called "rewards". Rewards not only help maintain your existing customers but also attract new customers to your business. For example, you can give away gift cards, t-shirts, hats, lamps, coffee mugs, pens and so on to your loyal customers every time they make a purchase from you.

However, it is not easy to motivate your customers to buy from you repeatedly. It might seem difficult because after all, isn't it just another sale? The answer to this lies in your incentive marketing program. When you offer a reward, your customers tend to act according to the amount of value you are providing them with. So for instance, if you are giving a customer a discount, he is likely to spend more in order to receive this discount. The more that he spends, the more he is likely to bring his friends to you.

One of the most successful incentive marketing programs was launched by Hilton Worldwide. The Hilton HHonors program provides customers with exclusive rewards, such as trips and hotel stays. This program has brought great benefits to its members, such as, increased loyalty and referrals. Through incentive marketing platform , many customers were able to increase their total purchases, which resulted in an increased volume of sales. And with increased , came an increase in profit.

If your company is looking for a way to motivate your consumers through incentive marketing, consider using rewards programs like the one provided by Hilton Worldwide. With the use of an app, you can give your loyal customers special offers and discounts, which they are sure to appreciate. Applying an app could be the perfect way to increase the loyalty program of your customers, as well as, increase your profits. There are many incentives marketing apps available on the market today. Find the one that works best for your company.
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