Am I dead? I hope I'm dead. Because I want to be dead. The last memories I remember is me gasping for air, taking second thoughts. But I'm now here, that's all that matters. I start to hear a chatter around me. I hope it's Natsuki's chatter. ???: "H-he's awake!" I open my eyes and an image begins to form. I-it's a hospital. I'm not dead, definitely. Suddenly- I hear a familiar voice. ???: "MC!" They hug me tightly. It's warm. I know exactly who this mysterious person is now. I open my eyes fully. "S-sayori?" Sayori: "MC! It's been... s-so long since, "that" happened..." Sayori: "Monika! He's awake!" I hear footsteps coming my way. Monika: "Hey, MC, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?" I then remember why I tried to kill myself, I begin sobbing and crying as of thinking about this. MC: "I-I just want to see her again.... she means the world to me. W-we had so much fun together... I don't even want to be here." My sobbing increases the more I think about her. MC: "Me and her baking together, me making fun of her, her making fun of me. Then when I was truly happy, she got taken away from me." Monika: "MC, I-I know t-this is hard for you, but you just need to move on. I'll help you get through all of this. I'll make you h-happy again." MC: "Like I wasn't happy before! I loved her so much! Please! I just want to at least see her again!" I shout. Sayori: "MC, I don't want you to die, you're... t-the only one who makes m-me happy..." She studders on her on words. I should've thought about Sayori too. "I-I'm sorry... I wish I thought about you more... but now, there's nothing I can do to see her again..." Monika:" MC, Me, Sayori, and Yuri will all help you get through this, even though the Literature Club may not be a thing anymore, we'll always be around you, helping you." MC: "W-what?" Sayori: "The club had to be closed down because of the decrease in number of members... Th-they threw away Natsuki's Manga too..." MC: "Threw away?" Sayori: "The room had to be prepared for the next club that took over the room." The Literature Club, where me and N-Nat met. She never liked me at first, even snapped at Monika for bringing a boy into the club. But now, every ounce of things I could use to remember her is gone. Completely. Monika: "MC, just hold onto my hand. I'll help you get through every ounce of pain that you go through. I don't want you to kill yourself again." Sayori: "Yeah! I don't want you lose you either MC... Such as her, You're also the world towards me. Ever since we were kids, we-" She begins to sob. Me and Sayori, whenever it snowed, we'd always throw snowballs at each other. Each time one of us got hit, we would cry and land on the ground, defeated. I miss the time when we were young, never had to worry about financial stuff, bills, buying needs, getting food, it was so easier back then. MC: "I-I'll, okay. F-fine Monika... I j-just can't stop thinking about her." Monika: "It's completely fine, after you get finished with your "therapy" you'll be good as new!" She chuckles at her joke. Why is Monika talking like this when I just tried to kill myself? It's pretty weird, to be fair. MC: "Let's go, I guess." My voice trails off as I leave the room as Sayori follows me. Sayori: "MC! How are you feeling, MC! Talk to me tomorrow, I have to tell you something! Hey, meet me after school tomorrow." That's Sayori for you, A billion questions as soon as someone gets hurt. As I walk to my house and wave bye to Monika, Sayori tells me that if I'm ever feeling down or need someone to talk to, just go to the house right nearby. I remember I told her that before when I heard about her depression. Sayori: "Oh! I forgot; your phone got damaged while you we're- s-sinking... So, I got you a new one with the same data as your last one!" Her saying that make me shiver... My old phone had pictures of Natsuki, well, at least I have memories of her. Sayori tosses me the phone and I take a good look at it. I turn on the phone and enter the password, 1-1-0-5. It enters the home screen, normal apps, some games. Then I see the "Photos" app. I clench my teeth. I press it. It opens up to the photos I've taken for the past year. I see a photo I remember, and was pretty recent. Me and Natsuki were in the snow, I needed a beanie, I bought one, it didn't really fit me, and she took me off-guard and took a picture of me. I remember I was pretty shocked. But all that fun has just blown away in what seemed like a matter of seconds. MC: "Sayori? How long was I out? Sayori:" ...2 weeks." MC: "What? There's no literal way that I was out for that long?!" Sayori: "We we're all so worried! We never thought you would ever wake up!" MC: "I-I'm sorry- for everything..." Sayori: "Ehehehe- no need for that, it was under your control, the good side is that you're good as new!" MC: "I guess so... err-" Sayori must be so happy to see me awaken, we've been friends for 16 years, who wouldn't? Well, I stopped her from killing herself. I remember that day. She was holding the noose in her hand. I was completely horrified, wondering if I was the tiniest bit late, she would've been gone. I would've lost my childhood best friend. The weird thing is, is that it happened a day after her confession, I said no. I liked Natsuki back then, I never known it would've come to this result... I enter the house as I began to scuffle around. I go to the spare room, where Natsuki stayed, I see her clothes, her stuff, her... everything. I step on something. I look down to pick it up. It's Parfait Girls... her favorite manga. I feel tension in my face as tears began to develop. I fall to the floor and just stay there, no strength to get up. After my breakdown, I get up before I ruin myself more, I need to get over this... right? I go upstairs as I just wonder how I could've saved her. I could've saved her, but I couldn't. I reach my room and slouch in my bed. Tomorrow is school. I think the others heard about it. I wake up to my alarm. I have no reason to get up as I won't see Natsuki anymore, nor the Literature Club, but I don't want to keep this habit so I don't end up like Sayori. I get out of bed, dress up, and head to the kitchen. Now that I don't have her, I can't really get a good breakfast since my cooking skills are mostly terrible. I decide to skip on breakfast today and head out the door. I should be thankful that I at least still have someone to walk to school with. Sayori: "Hey MC! How ya' feeling?" MC: "Fine... I mostly guess, well, let's go." Sayori: "Hopefully you are! Let's hurry!" We walk to school as Sayori makes some jokes that I now find mistakenly unfunny, but I don't want to ruin her day, so I chuckle each joke. We reach to the school building and move to or separate classes. Sayori: "Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-" MC: "Bye, see you later." Sayori: "Ok!" The school day is boring as ever, same old classes, same old teachers, it gets more boring as the days pass, how does anyone find themselves interested in this crap? As the school day ends and I walk out of the classroom, I see this kid walk towards me. ???: Aye, you're that kid who liked that Natsuki person? She's not even the slightest bit hot, why the fuck do you even like her? She probably killed herself because she couldn't stand your little baby ass." I'm absolutely devastated. How the fuck can he say such things about her? ???: "Here, tell you what, give us a fairly good reason why you liked her ass, and I'll let you go, got it?" MC: "Us?" He points to the crowd, overwatching. I hope Sayori is coming. ???: "Come on! Scaredy cat!" MC: "Errr-" Then, I hear a familiar voice. ????: "Stop that!" Yuri? ???: "And who are you? See, MC twerp? These are the types of girls you should be hanging out with, look at her height! Her boobs!" Yuri: You stop talking- H-he only likes me because of my p-personality." Yuri Isn't really good at these social situations. ???: "Oh, really? Heh, that's truly hard to believe, a woman who has way with words, amazing looks, hey, aren't you that Yuri? I've heard a lot about you, I quite like you actually." Yuri: "W-what? I barely even know you! Besides you are a horrible, disgusting scum. You're truly sickening! How do you expect me to establish romance with you?! What a faulty claim." ???: "A-err- got to go!" The kid runs away as the crowd follows. Yuri: "Hey, MC, s-sorry for that, I got a little bit to overdone..." MC: "No-no It's fine, I never would've thought I could've made it out of that situation without your help!" Me and Yuri sigh. MC: "Sayori told me to wait here, let's sit down." Yuri: "Yeah, also, why do you need her?" MC: "I don't even know, she just told me to just wait, she should be here any second now." Sayori: "MC! Ahhh- I'm sorry I'm late, ehehehe, so uh, wait, what was I gonna say?" Yuri: "Hello Sayori, why are you in such a rush?" Sayori is panting a whole lot. Sayori: "Ah- so uh, MC, why did you do that." MC: "I just wanted to see her again, when I saw her- hanging..." Monika walks up to us. Monika: "Hey guys! How are you doing MC?" MC: "Fine, I suppose." I get on my phone and check the time. Oh crap! I need to get going! MC: "Guys, I need to go, see ya!" Monika: "MC! Wait, I need to tell you something!" MC: "What?" Monika grabs a white piece of paper and a pencil from her pocket and scribbles down something. Monika: "I don't think I'd gave you my number before, anyways, here it is-" MC: "Ok, thanks, I better get going, catch you later!" Everyone except MC: "Bye!" Why did I lie to myself to go home? (Time skip for week of school or Act II) It's finally the weekend, the time where I can relax and chill. I decide to give a call to Monika, as I have nothing better to do. *ring ring* Monika: "Hey MC! What's up?" MC: "Bored. Nothing else to do with my time." Monika: "Well that offers the important moment for "therapy", ahahah-" MC: "This isn't really therapy... it's just that I need something to talk to move on I guess." Monika: "Oh, I was just joking! Anyways, where should we start?" MC: "The hanging part, that's what turned my life around the most." Monika: "Ok, so, what did you feel? Give an exact description." MC: "My head was racing with emotions, I was completely terrifed." I tell Monika from top to bottom about everything, from the hanging part and to the suicide ending. Monika: "Ok, I want you to just, imagine how she's doing right now, she's in a better place, MC, away from her father, in an enlightening paradise." MC: "I've never really thought about that, I just focused on the fact that I loved her and I wanted to see her again." Monika: "Great! You're getting onto an awesome start, talk to me afterschool, we'll continue things from there." MC: "Alright, this actually helped me a lot, thanks, sort of." Monika: "Even though you'll still mourn about this, it's gonna be fine, just remember, she's always proud of you. You'll, sort of, get over this in no time! Well, bye MC! ahaha-" MC: "Bye Monika, guess I'll see you tomorrow." I hang up. I check the time, it's already 9:03 PM. I go ahead and clock in for the night, and start to think of the happy memories of Natsuki. She's in a way better place than she was before, MC. You shouldn't worry about her. I slowly drift off to sleep as a grin appears on my face.