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Elissa looked at herself in the mirror, Oren sleeping soundly on Duncan's bed, Cerberus asleep with the boy. After a time freshening up, Elissa tied her hair up, tying it into a messy plait behind her head, not caring how it looked. She cleaned up, making herself, and the tent, presentable once more. As she left, she kissed Oren and Cerberus’s foreheads.
Elissa staired into the small handmirror she held, she looked into her sky blue eyes, as she had been doing for a few minuets. The company had woken with the sun and traveled for many hours to reach Ostagar before nightfall, in the mirror she could see her nephew and dog sleeping on Duncan's bedroll, the Mabari taking up most of the space, Oren was entangled in Cerberus's body, the two warming eachother. Elissa had tied her long red hair into a loose plat that hung around her right sholder, unblinking she ontinued stairing into the mirror. A small whine from her mabari broke her of her trance. Elissa looked back at her Mabari, his large black eyes closed in restless slumber. she could tell he was having a nightmare or the like, his thick brow furrowed in hazzy consentration, one of his large gray paws twiching as in the dream he ran. Oren let out a long sigh as he burryed himself deeping into the short wired fur of the warhound. Elissa tuned and shuffled on her knees to the sleeping duo
"You have done so well" she rewarded them both, in turn kissing both their heads before standing and taking her leave.
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