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Long ago in the kingdom of Endellaria were the birds chirp and sing there was a girl name Policaiza, she was the princess of Endellaria. Once every year the royal family would get to visit the village, on that day Policaiza ran off into the village, for she had seen so many new things she had never seen before, but one thing stood out the most. she saw a boy about her age steel a loaf of bread, the baker ran after him yelling
" you get back here you little thief" Policaiza started running after the boy to, she cached up to the boy and saw the baker throw the boy to the wall, she looked at the Baker and said " you should never hurt somebody like that. the baker glared and said why not, Policaiza then got angry and yelled " BECAUSE I AM THE PRINCESS", He then said sorry to the boy and ran off. The boy said thank you to Policaiza, she then said your welcome what's your name? the boy said his name was Roppian, he asked what her name was, She said my name is Policaiza. After that every year she would run off to see him, 11 years past and they were now 21 years old, they got married as soon as possible. She walked on a small dirt path she reached Roppian's arms, they then said that they would always stay together, flower blossoms fell from the trees as there lips touched. two years later they had two beautiful little girls, one of the girls had golden locks and eyes like the sunset, the other girl had dark brown hair and eyes that looked like a dark cave. The parents Policaiza and Roppian named the the one that had gold hair Rose and the brown haired one Ravin. Rose had the power of light and Ravin had the power of darkness, As Rose and Ravin grew up they hated each other, Rose tried to make a friendship with Ravin but Ravin hated Rose so much that she murdered there parents just to make Rose knew that she was next. Ravin thought that Rose stole her place of getting to be the good one, Rose tried to explain that just because she had the power of light and that Ravin had the power of darkness didn't mean that Ravin had to be bad or that it made her any better, But Ravin being Ravin didn't believe her
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