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"Ten people and nine hemorrhoids" what's going on? Reminder: it may be the "disaster" caused by these three things
As the saying goes, "ten people nine hemorrhoids", hemorrhoids are common anorectal diseases, the incidence rate in China is over 50%, accounting for 87.25% of all anorectal diseases.

Recently, the journal gut published a study on hemorrhoids, which was completed by the research team of the Spanish Institute of gastrointestinal genetics and Kiel University in Germany.

The researchers integrated and analyzed the data of 944133 people (including 218920 hemorrhoids patients and 725213 healthy people) and found that hemorrhoids have a certain degree of heredity, but genetic factors account for only 5%, and the rest are affected by non genetic factors. Research shows that people with type O blood are more likely to develop hemorrhoids than people with other blood types.

In addition to blood type, which groups do hemorrhoids "prefer"?

Hemorrhoids are venous masses formed by the expansion and flexion of venous plexus at the end of rectum, anal canal and anal margin. The onset often makes people feel restless and affects their daily life. According to different growth sites, hemorrhoids can be divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids grow on the tooth line and in the rectum; External hemorrhoids grow under the tooth line and outside the anus; Mixed hemorrhoids grow across the tooth line.

Rome was not built in a day, and hemorrhoids were not built in a day. The reason why the president of hemorrhoids is mostly related to the usual bad lifestyle.

1. I love meat and spicy food

A comparative analysis of 121 hemorrhoids patients and 186 non hemorrhoids patients showed that the incidence rate of hemorrhoids decreased significantly among those who liked vegetables more than those who loved meat, and those who ate spicy food were also more likely to have hemorrhoids. After entering the digestive tract, capsaicin in spicy food is not easy to be absorbed. When it goes down to the anus and rectum, it will stimulate the mucosa and anal sinus, resulting in congestion and expansion of hemorrhoid venous plexus and the formation of hemorrhoids.

2. Bad defecation habits

Hemorrhoids are closely related to defecation. Too long defecation time, unfixed defecation time, too hard pressing during defecation, long-term constipation or diarrhea will lead to pressure on the veins at the end of the rectum, causing expansion and varicose, forming hemorrhoids.

3. Sedentary or standing for a long time, used to staying up late

Sitting or standing for a long time, the abdominal blood flow speed will slow down, resulting in the obstruction of the blood reflux of the rectal venous plexus, which will lead to the expansion or flexion of the anal venous plexus and the formation of hemorrhoids.

Abnormal work and rest, often staying up late or overwork, are also important factors inducing hemorrhoids. Staying up late will disrupt the normal operation and rest rhythm of the intestine, which is not conducive to nutrient absorption and is more prone to constipation.

Some hemorrhoids can heal themselves, but if there are symptoms such as pain, pruritus, bloody stool or prolapse, treatment is needed, and conservative treatment is the main treatment, and surgery is not necessary.

According to the severity, hemorrhoids can be divided into four degrees:

If the hemorrhoids are more than two degrees, keep coming out, take medicine or use equipment treatment can not make them retract, surgery is needed at this time. At present, the effect of hemorrhoid surgery is good.

Hemorrhoids is a "hidden disease" that many people can't say. It's difficult to sit and stand when it comes to disease, and it also affects life. If you don't want to get hemorrhoids, you should pay attention to daily work and take countermeasures against the causes of hemorrhoids.

1. Develop good bowel habits

Keep regular defecation habits. It's best to go to the toilet immediately to avoid constipation. Hemorrhoid Cream shall be controlled within 5-7 minutes to reduce the time of anal compression. Don't play with mobile phones or read books. In addition, eating more high fiber vegetable water, drinking more water, eating less spicy and fried food, and exercising more are beneficial to the prevention of hemorrhoids.

2. Do a good job of perianal cleaning

Keeping anus clean and dry and changing underwear frequently can avoid inducing or aggravating hemorrhoids. After going to the toilet, wipe your ass correctly.

First, the toilet paper shall be folded at least twice. A certain thickness can massage around the anus to promote blood circulation. Secondly, do not use too much force when wiping, especially when the anus is in a state of edema. Wiping hard can lead to poor circulation of surrounding microvessels.

When women wipe, they should wipe from front to back. They can "spiral rub" and turn several times to clean the skin folds, so as not to stimulate bacteria and dirt and induce hemorrhoids.

3. Avoid sitting and standing for a long time, and do more anal lifting exercise

Sitting or standing for a long time is easy to cause hemorrhoids. It is recommended to get up regularly and do more relaxation exercises such as yoga, walking or jogging every day to promote blood circulation.

In addition, it is recommended to do 1 ~ 2 groups of anal lifting exercise every day, with each group lasting 3 ~ 5 minutes, which can accelerate blood circulation, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, reduce pelvic congestion and help improve venous reflux.

Hemorrhoids are common but not terrible. If you want to prevent them, you should treat your anus better, develop good defecation habits every day, pay attention to diet, wipe your anus gently, and avoid sitting or standing for a long time. If you don't get hemorrhoids carefully, you don't have to panic. You can cooperate with the treatment according to the doctor's guidance.

[1] People of this blood group are "naturally" prone to hemorrhoids! The world's first research results on hemorrhoids heredity were released. Life times, May 12, 2021

[2] Hemorrhoids are divided into four degrees, and surgery is required for more than two degrees. Health times, December 11, 2019

[3] Chen Changxiang, Liu Haijuan, Gao Hongxia, Yan Hong, Feng Fumin, Gao Yunxia. Study on risk factors of hemorrhoids and health education [J]. Journal of nurse training, Vol. 17, No. 5, May 2002
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