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Notes -

-I think she is a total dumbass
-Admire/finds fascinating me
-kinda intimidating
-pretty (only me)
-has a sibling
-was a neutral family
-On team with me
-Murdered parents
-Has aunt (Spending night rlly young then)
-Aunt woke her up and said to grab a knife and put it through parents chest.
-Has glorified amnesia when it comes to her parents when mentioned has attack
-Necklace is a key unlocks something
-Uses knives a lot
-Had long hair as a kid
-very easily manipulated gullible
-no special reason as to why aunt had parents killed
-admired Megan
-trans (born girl but presents as boy)
-sensitive to the word pretty to the point of hatting
-on team with Fynn
-Rich family (Accidental pregnancy)
-Going on a vkay flying over desert (Had idea to throw him outta the plane)
-Parents wanted a girl so never liked him who preferred to be a boy
-had medium to long hair as a child
-Parents always dressed him up and Elijah always resented that
-Necklace is a green crystal is like a blip found in a ruin appeared on radar
-dumb as a brick
-will meet parents again who are happy with a another child(fairly young)
-materialistic/money oreinted
-thinks I is a weirdo
-blank stare
-very slight visible changes in emotions
-on team with Elijah
-Absent parents
-ran away from adopted family
-got lost in the fog with his friend chasing him
-accidently Killed his friend (Pushed into tree was impaled)
-necklace is a vile that contains blood of people he kills to sell
-swift and quick
-hidden heart
-adores pumpkin
-thinks pumpkin is amazing
-idolize pumpkin
-Lacks enough sense to put on googles when making potions
-pupils look creepy
-never cut hair like once
-quite as a child and kinda shy
-on team with Megan
-Absent parents (Mom was prostitute Dad wasn't rlly there)
-Ran away bc of neglect
-found cat pumpkin in pumpkin patch
-Came across market and figured that I could make potions
-Discovered hut and decided to live there with pumpkin
-Got inured and tried to make a potion to heal me accidently made a potion of levitation
-necklace is a moon to symbolize changing day and night
-doesn't seems seem nice but is
-Don't like dogs to the point of hatting them
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Regards; Team

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