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one day when your walking down the street in your animal crossing hoodie, ripped jean-shorts, big headphones on, a hat that says "hey my gays", big circle glasses, and fluffy boots when suddenly someone pulls you into an empty ally way. Before you can scream they cuff their hand over your mouth, but not your nose oddly enough, they force you against a wall and say "heh, this one's cute with their little grey eyes." They then pull off your headphones and say "could you hear me before?" You nod, terrified, "what's wrong? Never been called cute? Or is it your first time cornered in an ally?" "i- uh i-i've never been c-cornered in an a-ally.." You say softly, "what's that cutey?"
You stay silent. "D'aww, your so cute I just just kidnap you!" You tear up a little out of fear of this individual. They wipe your small tears, with their tongue? "ah.." You say, surprised. They then pull you in a way that it seems like you can escape but they have a good grip on you as you feel them lick your ear. "Ah!" You gasp. You hear them laugh, before licking your ear more as you attempt not to feed into this by giving them what they want, but Occasionally you gasp and they attempt to do more of what made you gasp, it works more than you wish it did. After a little bit you get a small boner, but they see it almost Immediately. "Oo a cute boner there huh? I bet your pronouns are... He/they?" "Y-yeah..." You say defeatedly. "Anywho, lets see this dick! But first, do you wanna continue this at my place?" They ask "oh uh s-sure? But what's your name?"
"Amp nice to meet ya. But anyways follow me!" They say and sprint to what you assume is their house. Once there they say "ight, you gotta close your eyes because you can't see where we're going." You do so and in a moment your... In a closet? "Anyways lets not waste any time." They say and pin you against the wall, and put their cold hands in your shorts. "did I ever tell you that those shorts on you make you look SO sexy?" Surprised you answer, "N-no.." Blushing Profusely, "wait, I have an idea," "what is it?" "you can't see much because of the darkness in here, but you can still see a little, so lets take off your glasses." "what? N-no way! I wouldn't be able to see!" "that's the point dumbass." Amp says, and takes off your glasses, you can't see anything behind Amp and your a little Frightened, "cjakckwoskx" "woah! You okay?" "y-yeah just caught me o-off guard.." "Oh, well we should probably continue this now." "oh right!" You say, and they caress their fingers on your dick, "this is boring in a closet! Lets go out to my bedroom!" they say. "O-okay?" You reply and follow them, as soon as you come out you are pinned onto the bed and Amp laughs as your fight or flight kicks in and you struggle against them. "Aww! Don't struggle!" They say, "it'll only make this more fun." They whisper in your ear as you shiver. You feel them pull your dick out of your pants and say "Oo looks good!" As you flusteredly say "T-thanks?" before they go lower down and start to test your dick to see what makes you moan. First they try touching the seemingly sensitive parts, and thats pretty Effective, so they do that for a few minutes before getting bored and going up to your nipples, whenever you try to pleasure them back they refuse saying you come first, but after you say it a few times they finally say okay, and you try to do things that are Seductive but it doesn't work very well and they say "dude, I don't mean to sound harsh but your not good at dominating." "yeah, I know.." And they kiss you "you don't have to be good, your cute the way you are" they say, and whisper in your ear "besides, if you weren't, you wouldn't be here right now, you'd just be another shy nerd I flustered the hell out of." You space, thinking of what would've happened if you two didn't meet, but your quickly snapped out of it when Amp says "hello? Earth to Sail?" "huh? WAITWHEREAMITHISISNTMYHOUSEWHATTHEFU-" "Sail! Are you okay?" "Yeah, sorry i- I'm just like that lol sorry." "Come're" they say and hug you, its not as weird as you thought. "uh, I think I'm gonna go.. Uh what's your number?" "Oh, it's 304-not-real" "okay, uh see you!" "see ya!"
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