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Internet Gambling Systems
I'd like to begin with a short introduction about myself. I worked for more than 10 years working in the gaming industry in Las Vegas. I was floorman, boxman and pit boss over that time. I have seen every casino game , and possibly every kind of system player that there is. System players are easy to identify. They never seem to be having as much fun as the recreational gamblers. They take their job seriously and are extremely meticulous about their work. Some even attempt to hide or conceal what they are doing so that their family and friends don't get on. This is hilarious. It's funny because the house loves system players. Why? Because no system is able to beat casino games. There are methods to bet intelligently and remain ahead of the game, but that is not so much a system as it is a method and discipline. We'll discuss that in a moment. Let me now talk about the three games that are most played, blackjack, craps and roulette.

Blackjack is the one casino game in which you have the ability to make decisions about your play. This includes wagering and the actual game. You are able to decide if you'd like to hit, or not or split, double down or even do nothing. You have some control over the outcome in the game. In blackjack the one obvious advantage the dealer has over the other players is that the dealer has the chance to blow out his hand (go beyond 21) first. The dealer doesn't have to be playing a hand in the event that all players break their hands. This is an enormous benefit. The one blackjack technique worthy of mention is of course, counting cards. Card counting allows the player to keep track of how many cards were dealt out and, more precisely, the number remaining cards in the deck. When there are a lot of tens left in the deck, and there are less (maybe less than half the deck) cards left and the deck is considered to be wealthy. This can be advantageous for the player, particularly if there are also an abundance of aces remaining. The player's chances of getting a blackjack are increased when a deck is rich. The player can also count to determine the number of cards left and then decide if he wants to play his hand in a certain way. This is a very effective system. This could provide the player with an advantage or even bring the playing field to a level. Actually, it can! If you are playing on either a single or double deck game and you're more than half way through the deck, and you're aware that the deck is rich and you are betting more, you will raise the amount you're betting since the odds are swinging a bit in your favor. It is worth mentioning here that the odds of being able to get a blackjack have been boosted. When I first learned about the art of counting cards, it was a thrill. It was your chance to win serious cash. This was sensible as card counting is theoretically the only method to gain an advantage. Why can't we use card counting to increase the profit of blackjack? It's simple. Counters who count cards are simple to recognize. Basically, every floorperson and pit boss should be capable of counting cards. So they can also determine whether the deck is rich and if a player is increasing their bets in line with. Should go to this site be detected, there are three options for the house to take. It is preferential to ignore the situation and continue playing and see what transpires. You can also inform the player that they do not allow the player to play in their casino. They have the right to make this decision in accordance with the gaming commission rules. They can also tell the dealer to play one or two hands and then shuffle. This will eliminate any advantage that a counter could have. This is how I dealt with counters while I was in the pits. I can remember one incident where I observed a young woman walking up to the game and she appeared to be very focused and focused. I was immediately attracted to look at her game. I was exhausted from trying to cover up! The woman was actually the only one playing in the game that I was able to observe. She increased her stake immediately after the deck was rich. I looked over at the dealer, smiled and told her to shuffle the deck. It was hilarious. The player actually yelled out, "Hey!" I smiled and left, instructing the dealer to deal two hands and then shuffle. Naturally, the player walked away with her money and probably had the same thing happen to her everywhere she went. Over-rated is not counting. You will only be able to win the casino if you can control your money.

Let's talk about the roulette systems. It is a ridiculous game, and I'm not going to take too long. There is no way of knowing what will happen to the little white ball on the roulette wheel. I've seen players fiddling with small notepads, writing down anything they think will help determine the next chance to hit. The wheel does not spin at the same speed. The dealer does not make the ball spin at the exact same speed or at exactly the same point each time. It's random. The dealer will remove the ball from the wheel, and then give it a small push to continue turning. This is why the ball has a non-constant speed of rotation. It's absurd to suppose that the previous spin could influence the ball's location. Let's say for instance that 5 hits twice in a row. What do you think the odds of 5 coming up on the very next spin will be? My dear friend I would say that the odds are 37-1 in favor of the 5 coming up again. The odds of any number that hits at any given time is always 37-1/1 no matter what happened in the previous spin(s). A lot of players don't realize this. When you hit a certain number that you hit, you do not get payed 37-1. You get paid 35 -1 ! You are already beat! Therefore, quite simply there isn't a system in the world which can beat roulette. There is a chance to win the game but that's just luck. There cannot be any way to guarantee winning sessions. It's completely random. Einstein declared that "robbery is the only method to win in a game" of roulette. Einstein is right. Never give money to anyone who claims they will sell you a roulette system. These are complete rip-offs.

We have already dealt with roulette and blackjack. Now, we must tackle craps. It is a complex game with numerous methods to wager on the game. I am not going to go into any betting systems because that's not what I'm trying debunk here. I am concerned about the player who believes or attempts to sell the notion that he is in control of the way dice roll. These players will place dice in a certain manner, roll them in the exact manner and claim to control the outcome of the roll. Do you really require any more? A craps table is 8-10 feet long, and has a hard surface beneath the felt layout. The dice bounce and rebound off the table at totally random angles and velocity. It's impossible to achieve the same level of control in real life. It's difficult for even the top magicians from Vegas to accomplish it. Have you ever seen any magician attempt it?" But no.

Let me finish with a statement that I've never seen an approach that reduces the loss or boosts winnings. This money management system requires a lot of discipline. It is possible to apply this method to any other sport other than poker. This method can be used to stay ahead of the game day after day. It is however a system for managing money and not a system. In my next article I'll talk about this.

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